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So Apparently, I Look Like a Boy?? (rip)
//Okie, welp, this is more of a shitpost than anything else. But really, I just wanted to vent 'bout this. I hope some people can relate xD//

Okay, so one day, around the start of the summer, I asked my mom to cut my hair short so that I wouldn't feel as hot as I did. So she cut it and when it dried, I realized it was just barely touching my shoulder. I asked her why she didn't cut it the way I wanted and she said dad wouldn't like it.

She said.

Like, whut?! Have you even SEEN my cup size?! (You most likely didn't since the only people I'm friends with are online r.i.p.). I'm starting to get the feeling he may be thinking I wanna be a boy/Transgender.

I have no problem with transgender people, they're cool with me! I just don't wanna change myself to a boy cause I feel like my biological sex, a girl. I don't think he understands what it means to be "transgender." Just because I like my hair short doesn't make me a boy right? :/

What, is he afraid I'm lesbian? Welp, that's semi true...? I'm bisexual, but I'm still living in my little rainbow closet ;w; He's Christian and my mom recently converted to Christianity, so he believes that being gay is a sin. I'm Christian too (naturally) but I don't think it's necessarily a sin :/ I found a video that explains it better than I do, but I'm debating whether or not I should put it up (because it might start some... *sniff sniff* d r a m a).

But yea, my dad's an old fart (I still love him tho <3) and I guess he just believes girls should act like girls? He approves of stuff like women's rights and how women shouldn't be stereotyped by men. But I think deep down inside of him, there's still a little bit of expectation of what a girl should be because he was raised differently than you and I. One of those "expectations" being girls shouldn't cut their hair to look like boys. Idk anything, I'm just assuming. Don't think he's a horrible dad :P He's not that bad, but I don't like everything that he likes.

Welp thanks for reading this all the way to the end I guess? xD I need to continue doing my homework sooo I'll reply to any comments I receive later on tonight ;P See ya

(I posted a pic of Haruhi cause y not? Fits the mood, rite? xP)

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