The Sketching Phase
Why am I doing individual leaves?! That's too much detail for a manga!!! Calm down! (It's taking forever anyways!!)
I spent so much time on this picture just to tell everyone I'm drawing leaves... The height of social interaction, everyone. -_-' But it's fun, so how can I stop? Hahaha
Although when I ink, hopefully it won't take this long...
(Don't I know that holding the picture up looks so weird? But I'm using a webcam so I have no choice! Agh! Hahaha)
I spent so much time on this picture just to tell everyone I'm drawing leaves... The height of social interaction, everyone. -_-' But it's fun, so how can I stop? Hahaha
Although when I ink, hopefully it won't take this long...
(Don't I know that holding the picture up looks so weird? But I'm using a webcam so I have no choice! Agh! Hahaha)