イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

..I'm Very Worried..(EDIT:Getting Worse)
I'm really scared! There's a fire burning in Anaheim Hills right now... I live in Irvine, so I can see the huge smoke cloud and it's very scary! I'm doing school rn and I gotta go back and study in a minute (I'm writing this from my school laptop ;w;). But man, it sure is worrying me... God bless those living in Anaheim Hills. I hope none of them get hurt.

We may have to evacuate. My mom got an alert on her phone saying that a mandatory evacuation is in affect for Orange Park Acres, North Tustin, & East Orange. It's not where I live, but it's REALLY close. I'm so concerned not only for me, but for my friends that live around my area too...In case we do have to evacuate, then I'll try to keep u guys up-to-date with what's going on. All I can ask from u guys now is to pray for us..
