插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Bruh moment
Me: *starts trying to draw more shitpost stuff of BenRex+Zak*

Also me: *ends up with a piece better than any human drawing I’ve dont recently*

Side note- I really, REALLY fucking ship Ben and Rex. Like, I don’t know why or how but I do. It’s gay, it’s fluffy, it’s wholesome and it makes me so soft looking at them. Like, I actually love these two idiots with all my heart- they’ve literally taken it and ran off so now I have no choice but to follow. They may be leading me into the pits of hell but you bet your ass imma follow them ethers and back. Also, can spiritually relate to Zak here since this is actually lowkey based off of something that happened to a friend of mine irl lmaoooo
