插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Weeeeeee Part 1
I just woke up from the strangest fucking dream. I’d been kidnapped by the government and taken some place or the other and met this guy who was trying to uncover the whole thing. Apparently, people’s kids were getting abducted from home but I never did find out why. I escaped with another, slightly older girl, the guy and a large bear who wasn’t actually a fucking bear and they took me home. I’d went home after having an argument with the guy and found out that my parents were replaced with some weird-ass carbon clones or whatever while my sisters were kinda left in the dark about the whole thing. So the clones were trying to stop me pretty much the whole time up until I managed to escape the house and go with the group that I had escaped with. Aaaaand that’s when I woke up just now. It was so fucking weird, man but honestly? I’m tempted to make characters based around this and see where it goes. I haven’t had a proper dream in such a long time that it actually surprised me a fair bit that I had one... about the government, no less. I guess all the talk of conspiracies and raiding Area 51 dressed as Edward Elric finally caught up with my unconsciousness.
