MediBang ID: -

A year into my amateur non-career of drawing manga, I have at least improved, but I am still far from the level I want to be at. If you want to stick around and watch my growth, you're welcome to. If not, I hope you'll hear of my manga at some point in the future and be impressed by it, because I'm trying to stake my personal legacy on the few works I have planned!
Design Sketch 11-9-18
Nass, I took your advice and make it much curvier, with the help of some reference images. I think it turned out pretty well as far as the body goes. Obviously I need about 500 more hours of practice drawing shoes, because wow are they annoying to draw. I'm going to be modifying this base outfit with some accessories and a holster, stuff like that. Took about 3.5 hrs to draw, and I'm wondering how long it would take other people to do, just of of curiosity for benchmark purposes. And like I said, I was originally thinking of making characters much more slim, but I think if I can reproduce this or better, I'll stick with this style of drawing bodies.
MediBang ID: -

A year into my amateur non-career of drawing manga, I have at least improved, but I am still far from the level I want to be at. If you want to stick around and watch my growth, you're welcome to. If not, I hope you'll hear of my manga at some point in the future and be impressed by it, because I'm trying to stake my personal legacy on the few works I have planned!
Sincerely, thanks for the enthusiasm. It really made my day that someone is interested in my work even if it is just a few generic sketches. I'll be keeping an eye on your work as time goes on too, hopefully your new manga turns out well when it's ready to be shown down the line. As for me, sketches for the background I'm wanting to use for my fan-art are up next, and oh boy, that's going to be a train wreck as I sort through ways to color, texture, and apply lighting effects. It'll be good practice though.