Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"

GremLin RightsNighty
MediBang ID: RightsNighty

Bonsoir! Komasta?
Yo been rly inactive I just don’t draw as much as I used to and certainly not as well.
***Please, let me know if/when I do something wrong!!***
Hey- Updates on what happened to me
So sorry I haven’t been active. You all have no idea how much I miss this site. I miss my friends here.
Basically though, I’ve been through a lot personally, and have discovered a lot about myself.
My mom got her kidney stone out after about a month of severe pain. Throughout that time I was doing most of the housework as well as juggling a lot of homework.
I learned better time management and hard work through that.
I also had drama with friends - some conflict. K guess it’s just since, I’ve had a rougher childhood, I’ve had to mature quicker, and some friends of mine have had the opposite, so we clashed a bit. But I did learn how to be not so lonely while alone- I learned my independence and my confidence.
Those are two things I’m sharing, there’s been a lot more, but I don’t want to bore anyone.
Don’t feel bad for me though I have indeed grown a lot.
In terms of returning, I am indecisive. On one hand, I learned not to worry about details and as such don’t care if something is blurry. On the other, I have lost touch with my creative side a bit and don’t often get the chance to express it. But it’s ok.
Anyway, enough about me? How’ve you all been?

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GremLin RightsNighty
MediBang ID: RightsNighty

Bonsoir! Komasta?
Yo been rly inactive I just don’t draw as much as I used to and certainly not as well.
***Please, let me know if/when I do something wrong!!***