插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Same thing as last year. (Semi-vent)
So guess what? Looks like I STILL won't get to cosplay as Virus 8-Bit for Halloween this year. If you remember last year, I was so excited to work on my costume but then a bunch of other things kept me from doing it. Well, as many of you already know, Halloween is this upcoming Sunday and for a bunch of reasons, I still won't be able to pull it off. My mom keeps saying that we'll try but I have a feeling it still won't happen. I wish I never decided to cosplay as Virus 8-Bit. At the time, I was torn between him and Emz and I should have stuck with Emz. I just figured that since now I still won't get to do it, I might just scrap that idea. I wish I could just think my ideas through 100% before trying to go through with them. I wish I didn't get all these crazy ideas that are near impossible. And I especially wish I weren't such a crybaby about it. Since I'm such an overly emotional woman-child, I'm still breaking down crying over a stupid costume idea that I'll never get to finish, mainly because now I'm just done. I don't care anymore. I'm done. I'm tired of getting my hopes up. I'm tired of getting all these impossible ideas. I'm tired of always being disappointed. I'm tired of all the emotional breakdowns over dumb things. I'm just done. Note to self: Don't let your imagination go too wild. You'll end up coming up with something that's impossible to put together.
