Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"

Abyssal Yoma
MediBang ID: -

A year into my amateur non-career of drawing manga, I have at least improved, but I am still far from the level I want to be at. If you want to stick around and watch my growth, you're welcome to. If not, I hope you'll hear of my manga at some point in the future and be impressed by it, because I'm trying to stake my personal legacy on the few works I have planned!
Earth-Chan Fan Art -Complete-
So, all things considered I kind of think it's a bit underwhelming, but maybe that's just because I can visualize way way better than I can draw. Anyway, the wait was mostly because of getting slightly distracted with trying to design a crucial bit of (complicated) attire for my manga, and I might go more into that later. Thanks for keeping up with this small project of a drawing and as always feedback is appreciated. I'm thinking of doing some more large and detailed drawings, but we'll see where that goes.

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Abyssal Yoma
MediBang ID: -

A year into my amateur non-career of drawing manga, I have at least improved, but I am still far from the level I want to be at. If you want to stick around and watch my growth, you're welcome to. If not, I hope you'll hear of my manga at some point in the future and be impressed by it, because I'm trying to stake my personal legacy on the few works I have planned!
  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR Nass 6 years ago

    > Abyssal Yoma
    OKay! Then allow me to change that critique to a compliment, because you nailed it! Seeing that it was intentional, I have to say it's not easy to manipulate a character's age and have it read, so I'm impressed because I obviously saw a twenty year old when I looked at it! Very good job! For the breaker box try just continuing the shadow from the ground to the breaker box! Good work!