일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

GremLin RightsNighty
메디방ID: RightsNighty

Bonsoir! Komasta?
Yo been rly inactive I just don’t draw as much as I used to and certainly not as well.
***Please, let me know if/when I do something wrong!!***
Also ( a wee debate of mine with a kid)
Kid (and one I desperately want to educate) at church: Ky why when you draw men do they look like rly feminine and when you draw men they look really masculine? You support transgenders! *points finger at me*
Me: ok first of all, that’s my style, and not even my choice. Second, I get neutrality is a myth (a phrase Calvinist kids know quite well lol) but i am close to such a myth with transgenders.
Kid: well- OK THEN! Clearly you’re for gays
Me: Suck it up kid. Truth is gays and lesbians tend to have happier marriages then most “normal” couples, and divorce is just as much a sin in your worldview but I don’t see that being protested now do I?
Me: oh and also there are only two mentions of homosexuality in the Bible, one of them being at the city of Sodom where for all we know it could have just been the fact they wanted to screw the angels, plus Lot offered his women to be raped which is just as much a horrid thing to you correct? Second-
Kid: No Kyyyy rape isn’t a sin and even if it is it’s better than homosexuality
Me: completely stunned at the fact this stupid kid just played the card. Which card is that? The card he doesn’t get in trouble ever because he’s the pastor’s nephew.

번역을 표시

GremLin RightsNighty
메디방ID: RightsNighty

Bonsoir! Komasta?
Yo been rly inactive I just don’t draw as much as I used to and certainly not as well.
***Please, let me know if/when I do something wrong!!***
  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR RightsNighty 5년전

    > Jeffy
    I would gladly serve it to his parents actually