插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

My Manga Is Finished
Finally, after a long journey, I finished the manga, and the best thing is I can actually follow one of the contest with my manga. For you who don't really care about how related this manga with my main story, I'll just give a link to you below 'cause I upload it with another account.

So, maybe it will be weird, but I want to answer Q&A from myself, for myself related with my new manga. (Spoiler Alert) Here it is :

1. Why the hell there is Quen in the manga? Are Quen and Layla knew about Cheryl?

Well, it will be a big spoiler if I just said what happens, so I'll just say, yes.

2. Why is Cheryl your favorite character? She looks so dull.

In this one-shot, yes, I know she's dull. But, she's like the most influential char in my main story.

3. So, how it will be goin'? Will you still make a manga or will you just become a game developer?

If you asked will I become a game developer, yes, I will definitely try until it success. In fact, I already made a game, even though that is just a small project, and that's just an education game. For manga, let's we just see what will happen.

Well, hope you all can enjoy the manga.

Link : https://medibang.com/book/ww1901132301458480008289210/
