일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

I hate having this hobby.
Me: *Brings my ukulele to art class*
My friends: "Play this song, play that song, play the song from Lilo and Stitch, play this, play that!"

Me, who currently only knows how to play Iz's cover of "Over The Rainbow" and "Grass Skirt Chase" from SpongeBob: *Stressed Cmagistrelli noises*

(Seriously. I know this isn't a big deal but every time I pick up a new hobby, everyone I know expects me to have magically become a pro overnight. Especially with music and learning languages. With languages, my grandma always thought I magically became 100% fluent in the language I was currently LEARNING the second I opened Duolingo. And now with LEARNING the ukulele, my friends expect me to know how to play every single song ever written by mankind and I feel bad not being able to live up to even these small expectations.)

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