일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

small, miniscule update
nobody's really responding or commenting on my posts, but i'm still going to pretend like you see them lulz. im sorry im not really on discord rn. i do sometimes come on weekdays even with school cuz sometimes i cant really sleep, but i can never find my mum's phone? maybe shes hiding it or something but its only sometimes and on the days where i can find it shes awake anyway so umm yeah. frustrating as hell
hurredly (or however you spell it) typing this bc im in class rn but i have a 4 day weekend! (i think)
ill try to be on more often then since idk the next time ill get a break like that but yeah. ill try again anyways tomorrow
also im nearly finished with tmvr (triumvirate abbreviation) chapter 4 so thats fun. takes me about a week to write each chapter and beta read it.
im trying to also make a wiki for myself since im narcissistic, but if i eventually do get one working itll include my stories and ocs and stuff. just wanted to let u guys know that for some reason

anyways peace

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