Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

5 Day / weeks
Extremely busy

Sorasama left a comment!

im sketching / art tips ig?

hey everyone!!
so recently i've been thinking of drawing everyday to help inprove my art. i decided to draw everything with pen because theyre meant to just be sketches to help my style, etc.
over a week ago i started.. and basically it was just some lame stuff i could think of. i wasnt really motivated, drew some trees that were half-assed, looked like broccoli, and some other random stuff. i then thought-- "im not in the mood." and gave up (1st pic)
gradually it got better along the week.. i missed a day for drawing, whatever. still wasnt really motivated. i then thought this is dumb. why did i do this smh. drew people who werent even in my stories, just random stuff again. (2nd pic)
and so here we are now. after drawing todays sketches, which i only gave myself about half a page to draw on oof, i felt a bit better about myself. i drew a terrible girl idk that was just terrible. then drew some eyes and stuff, decided that this is how i wanna draw eyes, drew hisashi looking asian af as a kid and lucas being a kid as well. (3rd pic)
i had a much better plan when i thought about posting this--
anyways i just wanna say. im going to be posting my sketches every couple of days, and talking about it. the sketches are still pretty bad buttt whatever lol.
also, this feels pretty raw tbh. almost all of my personal art lately has been painting so putting out sketches feels weird because theyre kinda.. Ahem ugly lmfAO.
but i can't wait to see the improvement 😉
if you guys want to expand on your style, help yourself in art i recommend taking a set amount of time each day to just doodle and sketch. it really helps. instead of doing your bigger art projects you just settle and take a break and draw some stuff that looks like sh*t but it doesnt really matter because no one will really see it :) and you just have to allow yourself to not get frustrated if things dont turn out right.
sketching in pen is great when its just a sketch, i feel. if youre just doing fun stuff. with pencils you can erase, and nitpick at stuff that you dont like. oh, this looks terrible *erase* oh his eye is lopsided *erase* oh why did i draw his nose like this *erase*. I feel like at that point, youre not really sketching for fun, but more criticizing and perfecting your work, which is not needed.
drawing in pen can also help you see, and look back on what you need to improve on. with todays sketch i see that i need to work on drawing both the eyes. i was lazy and i didnt, using an excuse of winks or whatever. i also need to work on face shape.
if i had done this in a pencil i could of just easily erased and fixed it, and forgot about it. and it wouldve been a problem in my next drawing.
but now i remember for tomorrow's sketches; do both eyes. fix face shape.
thats all for today. hope this was helpful, if anyone even read it oops. have a good night :)

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Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

I'm back w/ a new post yey

Hiyaaa guys it's been some time alright x)
I was in New York for a week to visit my grandma for this New Year. I love this city so I really enjoyed myself back there ^o^
During my round trip flight, my bro and I watched and finished the whole Voltron series. When it came to an end, we were both so happy and sad because we're like "what am I gonna do with my life now that this has ended??". Honestly it was one of the best show I've ever seen, almost all the characters were so likeable that we got attached to them pretty quickly.
Now I really wanna draw them all, Shiro, Keith, Allura, and so on. But especially Shiro and Keith since I love their deep relationship (I'm a Sheith shipper alright, Klance is cute imo but I prefer to pair Lance with Allura 💕). Even more so because 2 of my oc in my story share a similar bond. Kuro idolized Tence (another oc) and opened to him a lot even though he was a shy person several years ago, when Tence took a liking towards his personality and wounded up considering him like the little brother he never thought he needed while being apart from his family.
Back to Voltron, what I loved the most was the "I love you" scene in season 6. I dunno if you watched the French version out of curiosity, but it sounded so dramatic that I was caught up in the moment and shed tears :') Of course this also strongly reminded me of my two OCs I mentioned before, but I'll stop because I could talk about Voltron all day tbh

Anyway another thing I wanted to say was THANK YOU FOR 2K FOLLOWERS !! I was so happy to see that when I got back, and I can't thank you enough for this ;U;
So for the occasion I did a lil drawing! You can go check it out, I hope you'll like it !

Okay I'm stopping here rn xD

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  • the only reason u liked the whole series was bc u binge watched it season 8 was terrible istg such a letdown smh im late but o well


  • > Chesni It's my personal palette, when you select a color you can register it in Medibang (you can see your palette beside the color wheel or by clicking on the HSV / PAL blue button to switch between your palette and the color wheel) . I use it a lot especially for skin coloring x)

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you friendo !

Sorasama left a comment!


unless you're behind EST time then it's already been new years, so happy 2019 everyone!
lets make this a bomb year with positive vibes and amazing times!
i love all of you guys so much, and im glad we've made it past 2018~ you guys are awesome <3
Ahem new year, so take random screenshots because uh i dont know what pictures to poST--
also read from bottom up on the messages----
(pic 1: im not a blonde so dont worry-- LMAO
2: ugh why is MGK so hot :( <3 )

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