Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

5 Day / weeks
Extremely busy

Sorasama left a comment!

Sorasama left a comment!

One time deal for today...

Ever wish you could directly tell me how you feel about me? Now you can! This post is my one time offer for all to freely anonymously comment exactly how they feel about me. Positive, negative, neutral,
Horny flirts...
You get the idea. All right here, offer stands!
Why am I doing this? A while ago on my old profile I was a messed up weirdo, and anons let me know I was. So I just want to see how much that has changed or if it hasn’t or whatevs but I am willing to accept whatever anybody has to say.
So then, what are you waiting for? I’m listening all ears!

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Sorasama left a comment!

公式新企画始動!/【Official Project】 Trace & Draw

絵描きの皆様にもっと楽しくART streetをご利用いただくべく、みんなで使える素材を配布します(*'ω'*)

・ART street以外へのご投稿も自由にしていただいてOKですが、右下のロゴはなるべく消さないようにお願いいたします。
In order to make the ARTstreet more fun for all artists, we will be distributing art materials!(* 'ω' *)
・ I want to draw a something, but I don't know what to draw ...
・ I can't think of a pose...
Other troubles that artists encounter, etc....

Draw a picture based on this draft and post it with the tag ""Trace&Draw【Official】""

Of course it's OK to draw alone or you can draw with other users!

※Important Points※
-Please view the posting guidelines.
・ You are free to post to sites other than ART street, but please do not delete the logo on the lower right of the image.
・ We cannot take responsibility for trouble between users.

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Sorasama left a comment!

New tutorial (and now I'm truly back)

Okayy so yeah I took a small hiatus after my exams because I wanted to do nothing, just be lazy again and draw and watch anime and all that x)
Now I'll finally be drawing here again, since I now know that I've successfully passed my exams ! On to a new year of medical studies yay ^o^

For starter, here's a tutorial! Hope you'll find it useful :3
I've got so many things planned for these vacations ;;; I wanna draw and improve as much as possible, I wanna open commissions, I wanna watch all those anime I missed and I wanna share my own novel on Wattpad ! Hope I'll be able to do all that ><

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  • Thank you everyone! :")

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Aaaaah thank you Ichi !! I missed you lots, but I'll be more active from now on ^o^

  • > RightsNighty Thank you so much ;v;

  • > Dandalion T. Yeeeet congratz I'm glad you nailed your exams too!! 😄 And all A that's epic ! In France it doesn't work like that since we're graded outta 20, but I got a 17 out of 20 so I can pass ^o^

Sorasama left a comment!

New tutorial (and now I'm truly back)

Okayy so yeah I took a small hiatus after my exams because I wanted to do nothing, just be lazy again and draw and watch anime and all that x)
Now I'll finally be drawing here again, since I now know that I've successfully passed my exams ! On to a new year of medical studies yay ^o^

For starter, here's a tutorial! Hope you'll find it useful :3
I've got so many things planned for these vacations ;;; I wanna draw and improve as much as possible, I wanna open commissions, I wanna watch all those anime I missed and I wanna share my own novel on Wattpad ! Hope I'll be able to do all that ><

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  • Thank you everyone! :")

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Aaaaah thank you Ichi !! I missed you lots, but I'll be more active from now on ^o^

  • > RightsNighty Thank you so much ;v;

  • > Dandalion T. Yeeeet congratz I'm glad you nailed your exams too!! 😄 And all A that's epic ! In France it doesn't work like that since we're graded outta 20, but I got a 17 out of 20 so I can pass ^o^

Sorasama left a comment!

New tutorial (and now I'm truly back)

Okayy so yeah I took a small hiatus after my exams because I wanted to do nothing, just be lazy again and draw and watch anime and all that x)
Now I'll finally be drawing here again, since I now know that I've successfully passed my exams ! On to a new year of medical studies yay ^o^

For starter, here's a tutorial! Hope you'll find it useful :3
I've got so many things planned for these vacations ;;; I wanna draw and improve as much as possible, I wanna open commissions, I wanna watch all those anime I missed and I wanna share my own novel on Wattpad ! Hope I'll be able to do all that ><

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  • Thank you everyone! :")

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Aaaaah thank you Ichi !! I missed you lots, but I'll be more active from now on ^o^

  • > RightsNighty Thank you so much ;v;

  • > Dandalion T. Yeeeet congratz I'm glad you nailed your exams too!! 😄 And all A that's epic ! In France it doesn't work like that since we're graded outta 20, but I got a 17 out of 20 so I can pass ^o^

Sorasama left a comment!

New tutorial (and now I'm truly back)

Okayy so yeah I took a small hiatus after my exams because I wanted to do nothing, just be lazy again and draw and watch anime and all that x)
Now I'll finally be drawing here again, since I now know that I've successfully passed my exams ! On to a new year of medical studies yay ^o^

For starter, here's a tutorial! Hope you'll find it useful :3
I've got so many things planned for these vacations ;;; I wanna draw and improve as much as possible, I wanna open commissions, I wanna watch all those anime I missed and I wanna share my own novel on Wattpad ! Hope I'll be able to do all that ><

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  • Thank you everyone! :")

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Aaaaah thank you Ichi !! I missed you lots, but I'll be more active from now on ^o^

  • > RightsNighty Thank you so much ;v;

  • > Dandalion T. Yeeeet congratz I'm glad you nailed your exams too!! 😄 And all A that's epic ! In France it doesn't work like that since we're graded outta 20, but I got a 17 out of 20 so I can pass ^o^

New tutorial (and now I'm truly back)

Okayy so yeah I took a small hiatus after my exams because I wanted to do nothing, just be lazy again and draw and watch anime and all that x)
Now I'll finally be drawing here again, since I now know that I've successfully passed my exams ! On to a new year of medical studies yay ^o^

For starter, here's a tutorial! Hope you'll find it useful :3
I've got so many things planned for these vacations ;;; I wanna draw and improve as much as possible, I wanna open commissions, I wanna watch all those anime I missed and I wanna share my own novel on Wattpad ! Hope I'll be able to do all that ><

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  • Thank you everyone! :")

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Aaaaah thank you Ichi !! I missed you lots, but I'll be more active from now on ^o^

  • > RightsNighty Thank you so much ;v;

  • > Dandalion T. Yeeeet congratz I'm glad you nailed your exams too!! 😄 And all A that's epic ! In France it doesn't work like that since we're graded outta 20, but I got a 17 out of 20 so I can pass ^o^

Omegosh I'm finally on a 5 months break

Im sorry for my hiatus guys, I missed you lots ;v;
Medical college year is finally over! I hope I nailed those finals, but anyway the most important point here is that I'm on vacations! :D
I went back to drawing on my graphic tablet, it was kinda destabilizing but I'm somewhat used to it now.
So I'm now trying to improve on coloring, background elements and ecchi do as to get out of my comfort zone.
I'll also try to aim for finishing all those drafts I have in my gallery cuz it's getting out of hand here xD
Well to celebrate my summer break's start, I decided to redraw an old drawing of mine! I don't have the original piece with me atm but once I find it I'll post it here :)
Here is a sneak peek, hope you'll like it !
Here is another sneak peek of an mild ecchi piece of Mikasa I'm working on, what do you think?
(Also YES Eggdog is my new spirit animal)

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  • ur art still great as ever. SPECTACULARRRRRR

  • AAAYYY WELCOME BACK FRIEND I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! I’ve been watching My Hero Academia lately and I love it so much I might draw Tenya Iida or Tsuyu Asui sometime

  • You deserve those vacations!! Relax and have a great Day!

Sorasama left a comment!

2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)

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Sorasama left a comment!

2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)

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Sorasama left a comment!

2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)

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Sorasama left a comment!

2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)

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Sorasama left a comment!

2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)

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Sorasama left a comment!

2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)

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