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WIP of an AU Mae
ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
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WIP of an AU Mae
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Pov: you are a father ~desc~
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Happy Birthday CrossOut!
A Dare and 2 Answers
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for Maehem!
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Happy Birthday CrossOut!
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uh I guess medi is still unfair but um that won't stop me from posting tho but it just upsets that so many people with goons art works that actual spent time on get their hopes up on getting a rank only for medi to lie to them but uh I'm not motivated but here is a up coming oc probably not but hope you like it oh and also my drama work. again I don't usually show my school work but ehh whatever
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uh I guess medi is still unfair but um that won't stop me from posting tho but it just upsets that so many people with goons art works that actual spent time on get their hopes up on getting a rank only for medi to lie to them but uh I'm not motivated but here is a up coming oc probably not but hope you like it oh and also my drama work. again I don't usually show my school work but ehh whatever
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Happy Birthday CrossOut!
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Rebel (good guys) uniform for the story
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Rebel (good guys) uniform for the story
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im sorry :(
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for rainey :>
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ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
I _ I
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