I saw someone doing that recently so I wanted to do the same for the end of the year x)
So here it is ! I think this is one of the year on which I improved the most especially digitally wise. Until the beginning of this year I always did traditionnal art only, but I wanted to go out of my comfort zone when I saw this app on YT once.
What do you think of my progression guys? :3
Anyway 2018 has been a great year here for me, I can't thank you enough for the 1,7k followers ;v; I hope 2019 will be even better though, I wanna improve lots!
On another hand, my exams start tomorrow, I'm so stressed I think I won't sleep tonight ;;; on last mock exam (1 week ago) I was ranked 65 out of 733 so I hope I'll do even better for the real exam ;u;
> OiX Wow! Thank you so much!
> Dandalion Thank you for your sticker!!
> 冷子 ありがとうございます! こちらこそ、よろしくおねがいします!