イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Two hours a day
I just wanna say

That even though I don’t post art very often here, I am on MediBang a lot! I’ve just been busy with stuff irl. I made a friend for the first time in two years, so I have someone to hang out with. I just don’t take the time to draw on my tablet. Sorry if it feels like I’m not posting enough here :/ I’m just trying new things, and having my own adventures instead.


  • Oh that's great! Continue having said adventures!

  • Bro, I've missed you and your amazing art

  • You go 🌟🌌🌟🌌🌟

  • Good for you! That's great!

What if spoilers

Okay but can we PLEASE talk about agent Coulson absolutely SIMPING for Steve and Thor like there’s no way this man is completely straight, at all.




  • > Mossy new what if?... what if all the avengers were gay. but it's literally just the same universe they just all are happy with themselves and have happy partner relationships.

  • Also like “This man is gorgeous, your honor. He even smells like lavender beyond the grave like HAVE YOU SMELL THIS STUFF.” Thor: exists with gorgeous locks and Asgardian lavender bath salts Coulson: hot dayum 👀

Do you ever get random urges

To say random words or phrases?? Like I was just making a sandwich when my brain just said “Hey, what if we just screamed the words ‘S*X AND BEANS’ at the top of our lungs for no reason?”
“No. Eww Brain. We are NOT saying that.”
“I’m gonna do it I swear.”


  • That happens to me, either that or I ask myself a weird question and then I'm immediately just like , "wtaf"

  • i do that i once screamed "i killed jfk" got in a LOT of trouble

  • It has been two days. The phrase haunts my conscience. I may never know peace again

I am ashamed to admit

That I was THAT 6-grade Tumblr wolf girl. I woul literally bark and growl at people and stuff.


  • I barked at people last year and i am ashamed of myself Now i only bark over text as a joke

  • > Mossy XD lol that's amazing!

  • > Kdragonair Pack-cousin club! I might have converted everyone around me into furries

  • > Kdragonair I went to a family reunion and apparently I have like, 13 cousins (it’s a big family) and little nine year old me convinced everyone that we were a pack. We had a healer wolf, and my toddler cousins were the pups. We pretended that there were hunters chasing us bc we were shape shifting wolves

You know I realized smthn

MediBang will destroy anything and anyone if it looks suggestive, and a lot of the time not even; but it always has h***ai ads that I never asked for, but OH NO it’s FINE because it’s an ANIME website!! Most of the artists on this site are minors, under 18, yet there’s still the ads no matter how many times I block it for being inappropriate.


  • > Mossy Lol

  • > 너의 Maybe that’s why I got an ad for an anonymous potato

  • I mean ads are usually based on your search history soooooooooooooooo......

Wip for @Tigermoth

Sketch wip!


  • > Lichenthrope No, it's fine! Thanks for making the sketch!

  • > Tigermoth Sorry I wasn’t able to finish it… you can finish it! Sorry

  • hi, I was just wondering if you are still available to work on this, if not that's totally ok! I understand if you're busy or something, if you can't finish it, is it ok if I finish it up?

  • OH MY GOODNESS this is amazing! I can't wait for the final product! Tysm

I had a dream

That I was at a concert waiting for the band to start playing. The audience and I start freaking out bc some extremely powerful ghost is messing things up, throwing things off the stage and stomping around. After a while, one of the band members come onstage and calmly explained that the ghost is just a giant t-Rex ghost playing fetch on the stage and isn’t trying to hurt anyone. In the dream I start crying happy tears bc HOW FREAKING WHOLESOME AND SAD IS THAT!! a DINOSAUR didn’t mean to scare anyone and was just being happy playing around. Several people start petting the ghost dino. It started out scary but ended up being wholesome!


They say to write the book you want

So. I DON’T WANT SOME BIG HULKING MAN WOLF WITH ROMANCE!!! I want a single werewolf book that kids my age can read without all the cheesy and sometimes gross romance! I want a wolf child with braces! I want an adult werewolf who hates being stereotyped as a dog! I want a werewolf kid to go shopping and find all this cute stuff only to find out “this gray isn’t actually a gray,” and that her red/green color blindness made that super cute warm gray dress AN ACTUAL FIRETRUCK RED. I want a wolf who is maybe a human twice a year because honestly, it’s who she identifies as. I want a werewolf who actually hates meat and is trying to be vegan. I want a werewolf who is a quote unquote lone wolf because he just wants to see what life is like outside of his huge pack before trying to find love. I want a werewolf Alpha who is the neighborhood grandma and basically adopts all the kids and their friends, and cooks humongous meals and gives it to whoever needs it.
I want wholesome werewolves who advocate against trophy hunting.
Sorry for the rant! Some of these are headcanons for my universe. I just don’t like sexy wolf man tropes with toxic masculinity. I want actual wolf people.


  • Sadly you see that kind of mild NSFW it all the time, even if you look up "furry" here you get at least a few ultra-buff werewolf-men with suggestive themes.

  • Bro yes😩 I'm not a writer, but if I actually had knew how to write stories properly I would do all of this😩🤡