Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


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dear dad.

i feel as if it's too late for you.
you can't emotionally distance yourself from me for 5, almost 6 years
and then think you can slowly worm yourself back into my life
in small bits
and dip
and separate from me
every other month
while you try to rejoin my life
you werent there for me for a very
long time
and you think a simple
"i dont spend enough time with the kids"
is enough
you dont even act on it
i always have to initiate it
do you not see how much stress this puts on me ?
you were the only one who was EVER there for me for the first 9 years of my life
and then you dipped
and i have no one
you think a simple movie night
will fix the fact that you were not in my life
for almost 6 years
and you expect to worm yourself back in for the last 3 years you get me ?
you have to work for a place in my heart
that you have lost
and will probably never get again
its too late.
i dont think theres anything you could do to prove yourself
you dont even try
you act like you do
but you dont
you say hi only sometimes
go to your room and sleep
make dinner political
and go to your room for the rest of the day
i get it.
youre tired from work.
but please
just actually TRY
to be there for me.
but you wont
you would rather spend time watching videos about guns or the history of houses
than make sure your kids are mentally okay
asking us how our day is
is NOT
a mental check up.

youve lost a spot in my heart
and the hole has sealed itself up almost completely

you know what bad parenting is?

when your kid looks up to some random minecraft player in his 30s as a father figure
because you have cut yourself away from them and severed the emotional and trust bond you had with them

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okay so since i have art block my friend emailed me a really cute base he found (the base was made by KingSillySmilez on deviantart!!) and i decided to just start working on some concept designs for my fursona!! i decided to ditch trying to make them look like what a coyote/jackal mix looks like irl and instead just had some fun with it and oh my goodness i love grey's design!!!! i am so happy with how it turned out since i spent almost 6 hours on it! im not a big base user but theyre super helpful when i have art block

anyways here's greyson!!! they're some kind of coyjack even though they actually definitely do not resemble either species but idc :D

i love them so much, oml

(reminder that the base is by KingSillySmilez on deviantart!)

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Something about the name "Schlatt" hit an area in Vincent. The name seemed familiar, but they pushed it off.
"Schl.." They trailed, before picking up again.
"Don't worry, buddy. Sometimes people are bad, and sometimes there's just no changing that."
The two sat for a little in silence.
"My daddy is one of those, then. He's no good." Xander huffed, looking at the floor.
Vincent scooted a bit closer to Xander and put their arm around them.
"At least he isn't here, right now! Because you don't have to dislike him right now."
The two goats sat a little awkwardly for a bit, and then Xander moved in closer to Vincent.
"You're nice, and daddy's not. I like you." He said with a smile.

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the nature boy [poetry]

mushrooms are growing on top of my head
dazzled with white spots on their caps that are red
they come in many different sizes and shapes
the only thing better would be a bowl of grapes

bean spuds come from underneath my plasters
they make many people come and become askers
some people say that they find them strange
but their green little selves make me feel less plain

it never bothers me with what people say
i let it pass since it never gets in my way
all i need in life are little bundles of joy
they make me feel special; i'm called "the nature boy"

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