Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I have like a MASSIVE, massive fear of being on a phonecall, I cry about it- I needed to cancel a shift and JEEZ I was overthinking, I TRIED to mentally prepare and think about what I was gonna say but I just kept procrastinating and eventually tears popped out my eyeballs and I was just like "I NEED TO BE NORMAL I NEED TO BE NORMAL- NO MUM YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT-"
I felt like my heart was trying to come up through my throat-
I just laid down on the couch for 5 mins with mum saying "DO 2 LAPS, DO SOME PUSHUPS, GET THAT NERVOUS ENERGY OUT!"
Eventually I got up and did it, I DID IT.. I.. I DID IT-
It was barely a 1 minute call and my voice feels tired, I'm coughing a lot, but I feel like laughing cuz like.. I DID IT, y'know?

I don't know if I ever shared anything like this before but-
Does anybody else have this fear? I feel like I'm the only one irl who's heart drops when a phone rings-

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i had a lot of fun!! i cosplayed nene kusanagi with my friends and we got lots of compliments and pictures :D

attached is stuff i got from the con! favorite is cello kaito lmao

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  • > ferretfacade Lmao it’s fine:)) And Tysm!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha sorry for the late reply! medi decided not to tell me you commented lol // i got the cosplay off amazon!

  • Loving the cello Kaito lol But I bet cosplaying Nene was fun! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get the cosplay?


i had a lot of fun!! i cosplayed nene kusanagi with my friends and we got lots of compliments and pictures :D

attached is stuff i got from the con! favorite is cello kaito lmao

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  • > ferretfacade Lmao it’s fine:)) And Tysm!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha sorry for the late reply! medi decided not to tell me you commented lol // i got the cosplay off amazon!

  • Loving the cello Kaito lol But I bet cosplaying Nene was fun! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get the cosplay?