-|REVAMPED|- DordusRising
- Anime
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Sci-Fi
- Video games
- Work Place:Whereveridk
- Gender:Male
Life Event
- 01/2020 StartedCoding
Favorite color
Lime Green
Favorite TV show
Invader ZIM
What you eat when hungry
Ramen or pizza
Favorite music
Favorite animation
That's sorta hard lol (Rise of the Mushroom kingdom is epic tho)
Future goals
Get a job
So, in our Roblox game of Sonic.exe The Disaster, someone had a Nezuko avatar with big thighs. Someone said that we were being dramatic by bashing on their avatar and they said that it wasn't a sexualizing avatar. However, Nezuko is a 14-year old. A player in our lobby had a Nezuko outfit with big thighs, and the other person said they weren't sexualizing Nezuko. Here's the question: Is that not an example of sexualization of a minor?
(Image unrelated. I put it there so this post stands out)
I've got a really close friend who lost their sibling a few days ago. They are struggling financially, but they need funeral funds so they can have a burial for their sibling. If you can donate or spread the word, please do so: https://gofund.me/8cdd6469
Roblox: VariaSamus (Display name is DordusRising)
Discord: legolegrandlegend (Display name is DreadX_Lego)
Scratch: Kanin_Lanceman_Tepes
Twitch: DreadX_Varia
Here have vector art of Nameless Parasite
So, I messed up when sending a friend request to someone, and now I'm locked out of my account by the "Verification Required" screen. I sent a support email, but they said that they won't remove the screen until I verify by phone.
So, y'know what? Screw Discord.
Merry Christmas to y'all!
Merry Christmas
LegoLeGrandLegend if you wanna add me!
So, there's this girl at tech that I had a crush on. She had a crush on me, so we started dating. However, she just broke up with me on my Map Rando stream and now I'm sad, angry, and...I don't even know.
I don't know if I'll ever trust when someone has a crush on me again, to be honest, especially if they've had a boyfriend/girlfriend previously.
I'll be streaming Super Metroid on Twitch, so follow me on DreadX_Varia if you're interested. Keep in mind that I don't have a mic right now, so I likely won't be able to speak on stream.
I wanna keep talking to y'all, but I don't really go on here anymore. I'm mostly active on DA and Scratch.
If any of you guys have DA, here's mine: DreadX--Varia
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising :p
> EinTheTransDemon I do :)
You should still have mine :)
I am on DeviantArt and Scratch, and I practically don't use this site anymore. So, if you wanna keep in contact with me, you can reach me at DreadX--Varia and Kanin_Lanceman_Tepes respectively.
Here have a Serris MTG card.
I graduated high school this year
> meowtoes₊‧⁺ Not much. You?
> Muna Is Sketching... Thank you very much, Muna.
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Oh.. I'm sorry I'm not sure what to say but, I've been there. It was a while ago for me although. I hope things calm down for you!
I'm a weird kid lol
Look at this for info
nuh uh!!1!
I’m on DeviantArt (DreadX--Varia) and Scratch (DordusRising) if you wanna get in touch with me quickly. I’m more active on the latter, but still quite active on the former. If you guys have (or plan to join) DA/Scratch, you guys are welcome to share your users with me so I can find y’all and chat.
Also, the picture is a teaser for what’s to come.
Spongebob in Sonic Adventure style is just yes
For an entire week, I will not talk to anyone. I will not like or favorite any art. I will not post topics. I will only be active on Scratch. Just coding. Nothing else.
I'm neurodivergent, and that plays a factor in that. Sometimes, we just go out of our way just to say hi or just strike up a convo for no particular reason. If we are involved in a conversation and we just stop speaking, it's because we feel like we don't have anything to add.
> SpaceGrillXD Yeah we silly
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising We so silly hehehe
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Extreme ADHD hehe :3
DreadX--Varia is my name. Game-related art and friendship is my game!
> Luna_Moon-Playz Fine, but don't follow it. It's SkibidiMoth. I repeat. DO NOT follow it. I'm hiding for a reason.
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising 1. No you arent a monster. I almost commited suicide and you kept me from doing it. You told me to keep doing art and I did. 2. No. Just tell me your account. I'm not figuring anything out.
> Luna_Moon-Playz You are better off without me. I'm a monster. If you want to find me, figure out my new account.
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising You left scratch didn't you? :( without saying anything directly to me?
Please help this person. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992270168
And it has MX in it. I'll retrieve the link later.
But the guilt won’t stop trying to plague my mind. Now that I know my friend is suffering because of what I did, the guilt I feel is trying to overwhelm me again. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to stop this. Just knowing my friends are suffering because of me is too much. I just want this to be fixed. I just want my friends to be happy again.
Hey, it's alright. It's going to be fine. Don't worry. Listen, you've tried your best. You've done what you could. You don't have to have this guilt- you apologized. If you don't mind, who do you think you hurt?? Trust me, It's ok and It's going to be ok. If you want we can have a one on one on magma later??
It still eats me. My guilt is too much. I'm going to the depths when I die, and what I did on Monday will be what takes me there.
Whoever says I'm a good person is just sparing my feelings. I can take whatever hate you're hiding. And I won't even be mad. I have no right to.
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Ya vi y..bueno espero que te mejores que oye a mi también me pasaba eso y en fin. Espero que puedas mejorar con esto.
> AIDRAUZINGS Look at my previous post.
¿qué te pasa?
In my efforts to fix things with two other friends, I hurt my closest online friend without even knowing it. I don’t deserve anyone’s respect.
Perhaps my mom is right. My dad hurt the people he cared about, and I’m doing the same. Now I have no right to be mad at him. I have no right to be mad at anyone now.
> Muna Sketches Yeah.
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Well.. Then this isn't entirely your fault is it? You tried and.. they didn't even bother to see what you said.. But you tried, right?
> Muna Sketches I tried, and they didn’t even bother reading it.
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Sorry if I'm sounding sarcastic, I didn't mean to. I can see that your situation is horrible to be in, with all the guilt that you feel. I hope though that there's a way you can let that person know that you care about them, and wish for the best for them.
that I destroyed my arch nemesis, the Omega Pirate, in Metroid Prime Remastered.
Made this abomination in Hero Forge
buff mario
I'm making Hero Forge minis and was wondering if y'all wanted your OCs to become Hero Forge miniatures.
A few things I need:
> -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Okay thank you!
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 Ok. I'll get started when I can.
Need a picture or just the info? My oc is male, 5'6", seagreen eyes, brown medium length hair with highlights in it. Toned ish body.
Btw, before anyone says "Just verify by phone", I don't have a phone to verify with.