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Her last fairy-tale

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Favorite animation
銀魂、ジョジョの奇妙な冒険、黒執事、ナルト、Cowboy Bebop、遊戯王、いろいろ
Favorite music
アニソン Japanese music in general
Pen tablet
Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Only MediBang Paint だけ
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Her last fairy-tale
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「NO WORDSマンガコンテスト」に応募させていただいた作品
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OsamuraiTenshi left a comment!
I have great news! The scholarship results were announced and I got it! Which means i'll be starting my studies in Japan in April! I'm a bit scared and nervous, but extremely happy!
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I have great news! The scholarship results were announced and I got it! Which means i'll be starting my studies in Japan in April! I'm a bit scared and nervous, but extremely happy!
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I have great news! The scholarship results were announced and I got it! Which means i'll be starting my studies in Japan in April! I'm a bit scared and nervous, but extremely happy!
OsamuraiTenshi left a comment!
I have great news! The scholarship results were announced and I got it! Which means i'll be starting my studies in Japan in April! I'm a bit scared and nervous, but extremely happy!
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November turned out quite busy...Apart from the pages, there is a challenge called JOJOVEMBER, and as a huge jojo fan, i have to do it! You have to make one jojo fanart per day. And studying japanese takes time too... lol
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November turned out quite busy...Apart from the pages, there is a challenge called JOJOVEMBER, and as a huge jojo fan, i have to do it! You have to make one jojo fanart per day. And studying japanese takes time too... lol
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11月7日(立冬)は いいおなかの日。
そもそも「いいおなかの日」とは なんぞや?
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Yay, I've finished a new artwork! :D It's a commission for a client on Facebook.
Important: The character "Lady Lancelot" belongs to my client!
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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今日「タイツの日」だと聞きましたー なので落書きを描こうと思いました。
I heard today is "Tights" day, so I thought I would draw something.
It seems I'm still not that good at drawing girls..... oh well lol
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やっと涼しくなって はかどる。
夏は汗だくになるから飲めなかった お茶もガブガブ飲めます。
いっそ お湯を飲むのも温まっていいかもしれない。
年内にもう一度ぐらいは もんじゃ焼きを食べれたら嬉しいんですが、難しいかもしれない。
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やっと涼しくなって はかどる。
夏は汗だくになるから飲めなかった お茶もガブガブ飲めます。
いっそ お湯を飲むのも温まっていいかもしれない。
年内にもう一度ぐらいは もんじゃ焼きを食べれたら嬉しいんですが、難しいかもしれない。
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Hello! Haven't posted in a while! I've decided to restructure my story differently. This means that the story is gonna be completely different. Right now I'm trying to do what's called creating a story arc. I just finished creating a character arc for the main character so I'm making some progress. Now all I need to do is finish this story arc... so far it's really getting tedious but I'm making progress. Wish me luck!
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Because I didn't sleep again, I sketched old Joseph...
I should keep working on the manga too lol Might post more later OuO
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We're back and ready for action! Quick update, We have a new story up in the draft comics, check it out if you're interested and an artist we'd like to get that done on time for the dun dun dun...NEW manga contest! yes we will be competing in that again as well hopefully with some new works! stay tuned for more from us if you're still listening! XD
Good luck to everyone out there lets go for gold once more!
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I'm bored
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【日本語・ENG】ブラマジガール落書き Dark Magician Girl sketch
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Shounen Magazine's contest was announced~ Since i've already started working on Rankenshitachi, i think i'll go with it! So, I drew the protagonist once again, and wanted to share ^u^