for those still following me, thank you. have some doodles as my goodbye. i won’t be active here anymore. if you want to find me somewhere that im active, chances are you’ll find me on my tumblr fandomboundnagisakun.tumblr.com
thank you. i owe it to all of you. this website inspired me to draw more, and i’ll remember all of you. since i can’t find a way to delete my account, it’ll just be inactive until medibang freezes it.
~ Kou
thank you. i owe it to all of you. this website inspired me to draw more, and i’ll remember all of you. since i can’t find a way to delete my account, it’ll just be inactive until medibang freezes it.
~ Kou

Leieryx 🍁🌙 (evil)I’m late but bye! Good luck there, we’ll miss you-Display translation