イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


Yayyy mental illness

Sometimes, I just get really depressed and pull away from most of the people that I care about. I get stressed and overwhelmed and socializing just gets to be too much for me. It's a reason that I've stopped talking to a lot of people on here. Talking is just hard, and when I get depressed, and anxious, it's like my anxiety forces me to pull away before I can be abandoned.
This was easier to deal with when I only talked to people that I knew from the internet. I could fade out of existence and most people wouldn't really notice, or would brush it off as inactivity.
But things changed when I started going to choir and getting technical culinary education. Because now there were people that I had to see every single day who I couldn't just pull away from or stop talking to, or else it would actually be noticeable and it would hurt them. I'd go into school in the morning not feeling like talking to anyone and then would talk to my friends anyways because I felt like I was a bad friend otherwise, and because they would notice. And I would do that all day, and then I would go home, and the overstimulation and masking would drop and I would cry. I would cry and cry and cry and just want to be left alone so I could recover because school is just too much for my autism on some days.
I never want to go quiet and static, I never want to leave people. But it happens again and again, and again and again, people prove that most of the people that I consider friends don't notice when I'm gone.
I'm just scared to hurt people that I care about, even if I'm also scared that they won't care at all



What I think of people

I've done this before and I'll do it again
because it's Saturday
and I'm feelin awesome, awesome enough to bring back a trend-

TheFanartFreak: You're an awesome sport and honestly a HUGE part of our dilapidating Artstreet community! Your memes are pretty funny too ahah-

KimbariShiruba: You are so sweet to everybody! You are also very creative with your art, and you bring such good positivity to this place <33

astro: I don't talk to you much, but I feel like I've known you for a year- and maybe I have XD- But yeah, you seem pretty cool!

Phia: I am jealous in a good way- XDD CAN I TAKE YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNING SKILLS? Borrow at least? XDD- jkjkjkj- But yes you are very amazing at designing characters, and just drawing in general! You make character designing seem so easy, then I try and design, then fail- XD But you are also a super cool person! Let's not forget that-

Madz: You are also a very big part of Artstreet! Though for some reason I don't talk to you as much?- Maybe you aren't as active, but you seem so cool to chill with!

JenJen: (=ↀωↀ=)
If I talk about you, it will be a whole other topic. XDDD- YOU'RE BLOODY AWESOME!

Eminoa: A bit of a scary gal, your confidence overwhelms me but I accept it- XDD Your art tho might be the CLOSEST artstyle to mine XD

Kebby: The cooliest of the cool, but I am scared to talk to you sometimes- Yes we are getting into the SCARY PEOPLE CATEGORY-
But it's probably just me, I'm just shy, and weirdly... scared of you- Your coolness is scarily cool

Though I think I've improved apon it, and I'm more scared of Kebby than you. Becauuussseee I've probably known you for longer. But I think it's just that you're as cool as Keb, which is VERY high coolness..

Tortellini: You are FUN! I think you are so lovely to be around and also, I LOVE seeing your art improve again and again! Awesome artist >=3

Ev@: I think you've really grown up since last year! Last year you sounded pretty young, but now you are cool to be around! It's pretty nice talking to you!

Saero: You are one of my BESTIES! And I don't have many besties y'know- XD You are so positive and really lovely to be around! Good luck on your Youtube! <33

Sam: wHErE aRE uUUuUU! Q^Q

Cartoon Anime: This, this is one AWESOME person (and artist) to talk to, and be FRIENDS WITH- She's such a good sport to be around! She's slightly crazy but I love the craziness- XD

That took so long- XDD
I 100% didn't talk about EVERYBODY that I wanted to talk about, but this topic is already so long (or feels so long-)
Part 2 maybe?.. Not sure- I'll just see how this goesss



What I think of people

I've done this before and I'll do it again
because it's Saturday
and I'm feelin awesome, awesome enough to bring back a trend-

TheFanartFreak: You're an awesome sport and honestly a HUGE part of our dilapidating Artstreet community! Your memes are pretty funny too ahah-

KimbariShiruba: You are so sweet to everybody! You are also very creative with your art, and you bring such good positivity to this place <33

astro: I don't talk to you much, but I feel like I've known you for a year- and maybe I have XD- But yeah, you seem pretty cool!

Phia: I am jealous in a good way- XDD CAN I TAKE YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNING SKILLS? Borrow at least? XDD- jkjkjkj- But yes you are very amazing at designing characters, and just drawing in general! You make character designing seem so easy, then I try and design, then fail- XD But you are also a super cool person! Let's not forget that-

Madz: You are also a very big part of Artstreet! Though for some reason I don't talk to you as much?- Maybe you aren't as active, but you seem so cool to chill with!

JenJen: (=ↀωↀ=)
If I talk about you, it will be a whole other topic. XDDD- YOU'RE BLOODY AWESOME!

Eminoa: A bit of a scary gal, your confidence overwhelms me but I accept it- XDD Your art tho might be the CLOSEST artstyle to mine XD

Kebby: The cooliest of the cool, but I am scared to talk to you sometimes- Yes we are getting into the SCARY PEOPLE CATEGORY-
But it's probably just me, I'm just shy, and weirdly... scared of you- Your coolness is scarily cool

Though I think I've improved apon it, and I'm more scared of Kebby than you. Becauuussseee I've probably known you for longer. But I think it's just that you're as cool as Keb, which is VERY high coolness..

Tortellini: You are FUN! I think you are so lovely to be around and also, I LOVE seeing your art improve again and again! Awesome artist >=3

Ev@: I think you've really grown up since last year! Last year you sounded pretty young, but now you are cool to be around! It's pretty nice talking to you!

Saero: You are one of my BESTIES! And I don't have many besties y'know- XD You are so positive and really lovely to be around! Good luck on your Youtube! <33

Sam: wHErE aRE uUUuUU! Q^Q

Cartoon Anime: This, this is one AWESOME person (and artist) to talk to, and be FRIENDS WITH- She's such a good sport to be around! She's slightly crazy but I love the craziness- XD

That took so long- XDD
I 100% didn't talk about EVERYBODY that I wanted to talk about, but this topic is already so long (or feels so long-)
Part 2 maybe?.. Not sure- I'll just see how this goesss



What I think of people

I've done this before and I'll do it again
because it's Saturday
and I'm feelin awesome, awesome enough to bring back a trend-

TheFanartFreak: You're an awesome sport and honestly a HUGE part of our dilapidating Artstreet community! Your memes are pretty funny too ahah-

KimbariShiruba: You are so sweet to everybody! You are also very creative with your art, and you bring such good positivity to this place <33

astro: I don't talk to you much, but I feel like I've known you for a year- and maybe I have XD- But yeah, you seem pretty cool!

Phia: I am jealous in a good way- XDD CAN I TAKE YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNING SKILLS? Borrow at least? XDD- jkjkjkj- But yes you are very amazing at designing characters, and just drawing in general! You make character designing seem so easy, then I try and design, then fail- XD But you are also a super cool person! Let's not forget that-

Madz: You are also a very big part of Artstreet! Though for some reason I don't talk to you as much?- Maybe you aren't as active, but you seem so cool to chill with!

JenJen: (=ↀωↀ=)
If I talk about you, it will be a whole other topic. XDDD- YOU'RE BLOODY AWESOME!

Eminoa: A bit of a scary gal, your confidence overwhelms me but I accept it- XDD Your art tho might be the CLOSEST artstyle to mine XD

Kebby: The cooliest of the cool, but I am scared to talk to you sometimes- Yes we are getting into the SCARY PEOPLE CATEGORY-
But it's probably just me, I'm just shy, and weirdly... scared of you- Your coolness is scarily cool

Though I think I've improved apon it, and I'm more scared of Kebby than you. Becauuussseee I've probably known you for longer. But I think it's just that you're as cool as Keb, which is VERY high coolness..

Tortellini: You are FUN! I think you are so lovely to be around and also, I LOVE seeing your art improve again and again! Awesome artist >=3

Ev@: I think you've really grown up since last year! Last year you sounded pretty young, but now you are cool to be around! It's pretty nice talking to you!

Saero: You are one of my BESTIES! And I don't have many besties y'know- XD You are so positive and really lovely to be around! Good luck on your Youtube! <33

Sam: wHErE aRE uUUuUU! Q^Q

Cartoon Anime: This, this is one AWESOME person (and artist) to talk to, and be FRIENDS WITH- She's such a good sport to be around! She's slightly crazy but I love the craziness- XD

That took so long- XDD
I 100% didn't talk about EVERYBODY that I wanted to talk about, but this topic is already so long (or feels so long-)
Part 2 maybe?.. Not sure- I'll just see how this goesss
