Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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「エッセイ漫画作画コンテスト」のサンプル漫画をART streetの中の人が描いてみました!



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Electric ⚡ Shock

Hello there my awesome friends (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I am here to apologize for something, in last topic I said that my sister will draw your Anime version, but unfortunately while she was making Akamimoto's Anime, Electricity suddenly came very fast and burned out some electrical devices and yes her computer was also burned out. I turned the electricity off(;;;・_・) and so that was a very scary moment, I am happy that I didn't plugged in my mobile phone to charge while that happened (~_~;). But I will keep our promise and make Fan Art of Akamimoto. I am afraid that it will not be as good as before because she have to draw on my mobile phone. And afterwards thank you all for such a support, I really appreciate you 💞💕💓💖🤍🎀✨

And many apologies for Pbart, I will draw yours when her Computer will fixed🙏🤍

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