Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy

NOPE liked!

How to Find me on Wbf

So, I inspected Reis thing like wtf- were they trying to make me look bad also?- Obviously if you all know me I do not use that weird drawing style * I'm also just addressing this to people who were in Reis thing* And I would never ever write black over the eyes and put X's that's just creepy af. Why would I do that to my friends when they've helped me through so much, obviously this person doesn't know much about me if I'm sure. Because they tried saying they were from discord while also tryna be me- and I think everyone on Medi who knows me knows I don't have Discord :)
So, how to find me on Wbf:
- I usually never go onto public things which people post never even Smp Members I only go to the private Smp member group ones.
- I barely even draw or talk that much now in Wbf because I'm very insecure of how I draw on there so I enjoy watching
- I would never ever do that to my friends
- People like Kuri and Rei know my handwriting on Wbf it isn't that neat.
- My drawing style is different from my drawing style on Medi, and I don't even draw that small.
And also if it's any time past like 4 AM or 3 I'm usually sleeping by then! Or just dm me to ask if it really is me or not. Because usually always before I leave I always say it in the out Group Smp,

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