Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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What I think of people

I've done this before and I'll do it again
because it's Saturday
and I'm feelin awesome, awesome enough to bring back a trend-

TheFanartFreak: You're an awesome sport and honestly a HUGE part of our dilapidating Artstreet community! Your memes are pretty funny too ahah-

KimbariShiruba: You are so sweet to everybody! You are also very creative with your art, and you bring such good positivity to this place <33

astro: I don't talk to you much, but I feel like I've known you for a year- and maybe I have XD- But yeah, you seem pretty cool!

Phia: I am jealous in a good way- XDD CAN I TAKE YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNING SKILLS? Borrow at least? XDD- jkjkjkj- But yes you are very amazing at designing characters, and just drawing in general! You make character designing seem so easy, then I try and design, then fail- XD But you are also a super cool person! Let's not forget that-

Madz: You are also a very big part of Artstreet! Though for some reason I don't talk to you as much?- Maybe you aren't as active, but you seem so cool to chill with!

JenJen: (=ↀωↀ=)
If I talk about you, it will be a whole other topic. XDDD- YOU'RE BLOODY AWESOME!

Eminoa: A bit of a scary gal, your confidence overwhelms me but I accept it- XDD Your art tho might be the CLOSEST artstyle to mine XD

Kebby: The cooliest of the cool, but I am scared to talk to you sometimes- Yes we are getting into the SCARY PEOPLE CATEGORY-
But it's probably just me, I'm just shy, and weirdly... scared of you- Your coolness is scarily cool

Though I think I've improved apon it, and I'm more scared of Kebby than you. Becauuussseee I've probably known you for longer. But I think it's just that you're as cool as Keb, which is VERY high coolness..

Tortellini: You are FUN! I think you are so lovely to be around and also, I LOVE seeing your art improve again and again! Awesome artist >=3

Ev@: I think you've really grown up since last year! Last year you sounded pretty young, but now you are cool to be around! It's pretty nice talking to you!

Saero: You are one of my BESTIES! And I don't have many besties y'know- XD You are so positive and really lovely to be around! Good luck on your Youtube! <33

Sam: wHErE aRE uUUuUU! Q^Q

Cartoon Anime: This, this is one AWESOME person (and artist) to talk to, and be FRIENDS WITH- She's such a good sport to be around! She's slightly crazy but I love the craziness- XD

That took so long- XDD
I 100% didn't talk about EVERYBODY that I wanted to talk about, but this topic is already so long (or feels so long-)
Part 2 maybe?.. Not sure- I'll just see how this goesss

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