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Ok. Just why.

So, my friend, (let’s call her Tey), had her house lit on fire just because her dad was doing his job.

So, here’s the story(i shortened it a bit):
Tey’s dad is a cop, and he was called over to deal with a guy who had robbed a convenience store. The cop who had been there before him had been shot and actually killed by the robber. Aaand, it just so happened that the robber was black. So, Tey’s dad got there and tazed the guy, didn’t even shoot him, and had him arrested. But, the thing is, some shatass lady on twitter or Facebook or something posted the bodycam video of Tey’s dad tazing the dude(I think, not sure where the vid’s from), with the caption “Go die in a hole, you racist f*ks”
Tey’s dad was just doing his job.
And people supported the jackass lady.
And one day, she tried to burn their house down.
She got arrested afterwards, but then her h u s b a n d came along, cut Tey’s tree down, and beat her garage with the branches, and set t h a t on fire too.
And yet, people still supported the dickwads. They told Tey’s ENTIRE family to go burn in hell, just for her dad doing his job. He didn’t even hurt that guy. Just temporarily shocked him. They had to change their identities on their social media, changing their last names and deleting their old accounts.

People don’t ever consider the context of the situation. That’s what’s wrong with this.
AND the extremes these people went to. Tey is in the same grade as i am, 6th grade. What did she do? Nothing. People just want someone to blame.

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