일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

MortalMangaka 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


Hi everyone! How are you doing? ^ 3 ^ )/

If you know Spanish or English you can read all the 36 chapters of Ugnis. Yes, the series is finished!!

Chapter 35: https://medibang.com/book/q21804280511593230000232318
Chapter 36 END: https://medibang.com/book/jj1805120142373370000232318

Capítulo 35: https://medibang.com/book/h31803051318399390000232318
Capítulo 36 FINAL: https://medibang.com/book/ou1804130750207330000232318

Did you liked the last chapter? Let me know what part in particular you liked more! Maybe you would like another kind of ending, darker or something? Let me know it too! > 7 < )

I really really hope you enjoyed reading Ugnis all this time, it was so much fun make this series for almost 6 years! I'll miss the characters (although I'll continue roleplaying with Zabe, haha).

I wish you all good luck with your projects!

See ya!

다음화을 보기

MortalMangaka 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

My first exposure. 私の最初の露出。

I am very excited because on 19 May 2018 there will be my exhibition. Some of my illustrations will be exhibited from 19 to 27 May 2018 within Vergato Arte 2018 (Spazio 10). The exhibition will be open only on Saturdays and Sundays.

私は2018年5月19日に私の展覧会があるので、とても興奮しています。 私のイラストの一部は、2018年5月19〜27日にVergato Arte 2018(Spazio 10)で展示されます。 展覧会は土曜日と日曜日にのみ開かれます。

Sono molto emozionata perché il 19 maggio 2018 ci sarà la mia esposizione. Alcune delle mie illustrazioni saranno esposte dal 19 al 27 maggio 2018 all'interno di Vergato Arte 2018 (Spazio 10). La mostra sarà aperta solo il sabato e la domenica.

I feel like that.
Mi sento così.

다음화을 보기

MortalMangaka 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

My first exposure. 私の最初の露出。

I am very excited because on 19 May 2018 there will be my exhibition. Some of my illustrations will be exhibited from 19 to 27 May 2018 within Vergato Arte 2018 (Spazio 10). The exhibition will be open only on Saturdays and Sundays.

私は2018年5月19日に私の展覧会があるので、とても興奮しています。 私のイラストの一部は、2018年5月19〜27日にVergato Arte 2018(Spazio 10)で展示されます。 展覧会は土曜日と日曜日にのみ開かれます。

Sono molto emozionata perché il 19 maggio 2018 ci sarà la mia esposizione. Alcune delle mie illustrazioni saranno esposte dal 19 al 27 maggio 2018 all'interno di Vergato Arte 2018 (Spazio 10). La mostra sarà aperta solo il sabato e la domenica.

I feel like that.
Mi sento così.

다음화을 보기