Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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confessions (not serious)

- im a denki kaminari (mha/bnha) simp. like, i simp REALLY hard
- my favorite dream smp members are quackity, fundy, ranboo, wilbur, and tommy
- i pronounce ranboo like "ran bow" because i dont know how its actually pronounced
- im mature mostly on the internet and by myself irl but when me and my brother are vibing with each other we act like we're 8 and 9 just for the fun of it
- when i was 10 i thought i was the most mature person id ever met (lmao stupid)
- i ****U S E D**** to do gacha heat. ****I DO NOT DO IT ANYMORE** >:(
- i one time made a fake sans fangirl account to troll people AND IT W O R K E D

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Bee's Journal || Buzrest Archives

ooh lore

(April 18th, 1547)
We found it. A new land, somewhere to call home. I called in the troops to start building houses and claiming territory...But, something Something I gathered from this island was two music discs, Chirp and Mellohi. I don't know what these discs are here for, nor what they can do, but I decided to keep it in my sealed away chest.

(May 13th, 1547)
The discs have disappeared.

(August 24th, 1547)
What... Happened? A sickness broke out among our troops, ¼ have fallen. War has struck as well...[REDACTED] has attacked strong and fiercely. It won't be long before we lose, but we'll do our best to prevent our failure. I'll be going into battle tomorrow.

(August 25th, 1547)
It's all gone wrong. Half of our army has been killed, and it's my day to go into battle. This...may be my last journal.

Mellohi echoes through the halls as I walked down the corridor, leading to my death.

Goodbye, and I hope Buzrest becomes a great country out of my sacrifice.

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mightve forgotten to mention

so uh today was wild

im 100% sure someone fronted today during english. i dont know who

basically i was just chilling with my head on my desk and i THOUGHT i fell asleep.
when i 'woke up' my class was going outside for break and it was normal and when i got back for french
i got my pencil
and it looked like someone chewed on it. not me, not anyone else in the class.
it had to have been someone else in the brain. i dont remember anything about it, i just blacked out, but not really sleeping

so yeah that was cool
like i said i dont know who fronted ?? but if i ever find out i'll tell you (if i have perms from them ofc)

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I HATE HIM. //vent

//physical assault, sexual harassment, bodyshaming mention, directed at a classmate and ex-friend of mine


not to mention he also bodyshames and makes sexual comments about me.

if on monday he's like,
"where were you cody?"
im gonna say
"at least a kilometer away from you"

i hate you, james. i don't know why i hang out with you anymore.

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im sorry :[

so im...
im not a system, and i probably just have voices in my head- i realized the symptoms didnt really align correctly so i realized that i was just confused and had the wrong term.
im really sorry. i didnt think it through and just labeled it as that because i couldnt find any other things that matched.
next time i learn i share symptoms with a disorder, i will get WAY more research first. i had read a LOT about DID and OSDD, but clearly it wasnt enough research.

i wouldnt say i was faking the disorder, i was just labeling it wrong.

again, im really, really sorry about that. /gen

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FREAK!!!!!!! left a comment!

my absolute SHIT mental health.

tw// violent intrusive thoughts, intrusive thoughts in general, murderous thoughts, s/h, su1c1d4l thoughts, gr00ming mention. don't read things you know will trigger you.

/nbh by the way

"are you okay?"
no. not even a little bit.
since i moved here, my mental state has just gotten significantly worse.
when we got to the corporate apartment here, it all went downhill.
i was gr00med.
i started cutting myself, properly.
i pulled all nighters almost every night.
i started to hate myself even more than i did before.

since we moved into our house,
i started having more intrusive thoughts.
i think i'm worthless, and that i'll never be good enough for anyone, and that i should just kill myself now before i hurt any more people.
i genuinely wanted to kill myself, and i almost tried it, but i didnt want to make things worse.
because that's what i always do. i only make things worse.

then i realized how absolutely fucking terrible i felt for lying about...something i'm not ready to tell you guys. not yet.
i had several times when i wanted to tell you guys about it, but didn't.
i either forgot, or my mind told me that bad things would happen if i did.

then i started genuinely wanting to murder my trauma giver.
my brain thought of full plans for it.
all fully detailed.
and i didnt know if i was okay with it or not.
but for some reason, having psychotic breakdowns, drawing vent art of it- it always made me feel better.
i've accepted the fact i'm probably a fucking psychopath.

so that's where i'm at.
this is how i've been doing since june 2021.

i'm too fucking young for this.

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