插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

welcome to the page of ✨ insanity ✨

Becky - Be Your Own Pet

Insanetumor introduced me to Be Your Own Pet <3333

(ahead isn't about Insanetumor, this is a person i know irl lol)

i don't deserve her like AT ALL =]]]]
sHE wAntED tO knOW wHat SToRE mY sHiRt CAme fRoM aND sHE wALked uP tO mE to TRy aNd sEE thE tAAaaAAAgGGG *sobs aggressively*
i'm so weird ^^ and probably too obsessive
and i don't deserve her because she's such a good and genuine person while i express everything by being unresponsive and stand-off-ish
and she's also so gorgeous and i'm all the opposite
and so talented which i'm also the opposite
and such a good person which i'm the opposite
just UGHUGRHGURHAIGGHURHUH i should actually make the effort to talk to her but ofc i'm too scared of ruining the relationship, too scared of panicking when trying to talk, too scared of zoning out and making myself seem like i don't like talking to her
i love when she stands/sits next to me though eijoegiughuihui

have a nice morning/avo/night !!! i need to go to bed =[



  • Wait, are you lesbian?? (No hate though)

  • I mean songs not lyrics

  • I like the fact that you post song lyrics on the topics lol

wah wah

vent because my self esteem will never get better

i can't do anythiinnggg
everyone is so much better =/ and i'm so clumsy and fat and ugly
why do my hip bones have to be so wide, and my torso so fat
and i just suck so much as a person too
no one would want someone who hates themself
i just want to be thin and able to do more stuff in equestrian vaulting
i'm just terrible at everything


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ yeah =[ i'm just wondering if my body CAN get thinner with the right routine and stuff, but if i try and try and it never gets thinner because of my genetics, fat distribution, bone structure ect, then i'll just be forced to accept my body the way it is i guess i'm still... "learning" to love my body even while i'm trying to make it look a way i like better-- i put 'learning' in quotes cuz tbh i'm not really learning right now, i've just been sad and complaining and sulking and bringing myself down cuz i feel that i don't deserve love kinda sorry for that sudden thought dump, you don't have to say anything else, tysm for the support Ev@ !! <33333

  • That's normal Insecurity is always invading our minds, and it makes us think bad things about ourselves.. remember: there's a lot of people that are in the same situation as you.. it's not worth it to be constantly worrying about your insecurities... you are unique just the way you are, i understand you are trying hard to be like you picture in your head, but you will get what you want if you stay focused and don't let others stop you. Im sure you look great, pretty and unique. <3


does anyone (who have the Seeker badge) know where all the little cat girl chibis are ? i've searched every place i know of lol-- also ik this is completely unnecessary, especially since this site sucks, but like if i could get one more badge, i would just because XD


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Np All I did was searched the guy I Saw

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 oh XD i was missing hint 7 !! lol tysm, Saero, that was really helpful !!! <33333

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Hint 1: https://medibang.com/terms/guideline/ Hint 2: https://medibang.com/contests/openList/ Hint 3: https://medibang.com/mypage/favorites/tags/ Hint 4: https://medibang.com/mypage/favorites/products/ Hint 5: https://medibang.com/page/ (This was a betch) Hint 6: https://medibang.com/picture/recent/ Hint 7: https://medibang.com/picture/archives/8/2022/09/ (This too)

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 i have one more to find XD where's that one ? i would've thought the place where you post an illustration

goodnight ehhwegui so tired

i've realized i NEVER drew a 500 follower special... like at all
also i've started replaying Borderlands 3 =]]] 2 memes here are Borderlands 3 memes i made a long time ago, and the 2nd one is of a character (Moze) i ALWAYS choose to play, she's my fav
it makes me want to draw Borderlands 3 fanart again XD

goodnight/morning/avo <333


  • > 🅒🅗🅔🅔🅢🅔 (not very active) yah XD i've only ever played Borderlands 3, maybe some day i'll play the first two

  • I just realized those are borderland memes My sibling plays that game

wuh oh another mask

it's another woof (the first one was meant to be a dog, but ended up looking a lot like a wolf)
it wont be brown and white like last time, it'll be gray and stuff
i've started felting it now =D btw the nose says "Cola UGAR" yes yes amazing brand name
this is my 3rd mask now ^^


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Yeah

  • > 🐱Moon🌙 oooo cool !!! i hope your masks come soon ! ^^

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 I'm a therian and alterhuman I still got to make my therian mask but the masks didn't come yet :( my theriotype is white main coon cat

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ EEEEEGUHDG TYSM, EV@ !! ^^


sketchbook spread that took too long but worth it
the reason i have a public sketchbook in the first place is ofc, often my family wants to see my art or my mum forces me to show them stuff and i always get so nervous cuz like... i feel like lots of adults expect me to be drawing fairies and barbie girls or some crap when really i draw weird wacky creepy grungy things
i sound very pick-me saying that, but like ;0;
anyways =DDDD i rant so much


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Yeah yeah. L0ok at iTs niEc

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 that spounds good B]

  • > ✯*-.VIVLZ6670!✧꙳- yeah, i'll try to be more boundary-reminding when it comes to my art XD

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 yeahhh i see how thats frustrating you should tell them that


nothing, what r you looking at ??
anyways i have more silly billy Ollie art coming up which is fun, i just take so long to draw =]

lil rant/vent

not gonna say too much
but she's so pretty
i feel so guilty for thinking that, but it's true
and i feel like i don't deserve her, and i never will
she actually acts as herself, she's responsible, and she's caring
but i'm a typical teen who's awkward and too scared to be myself, plus um i'm not nearly as pretty as her, it's not equal to me-- yet i know that way of thinking is so shallow and common
but y'all, why are some girls just so pretty, sometimes i go crazy

ShE'S sO pReTTy, iT huRtS
i'M nAwt TalKin' 'BoUt bOys, i'M tAlkIn' 'BoUT gIrLS

anyways, goodnight or good morning/avo


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 E e e e e e. E. E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e. E e. E e.

  • > ✨🗂️Azalia🍦🌈 EE33E3RM WeLL whAt wAs i sUpPOseD TO sAY ?!?!?? XDD

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 w0W wHat Do YoU aR3 fUnNy?? Holy sh- Σ(°△° ꪱꪱꪱ)

  • > ✨🗂️Azalia🍦🌈 this afternoon i did so much drawing in my sketchbooks, then went for a walk, did more drawing, and now i'm here waiting for dinner how 'bout you ? XD


sorry i just feel like letting people know i exist for some reason
also see the resemblance ???..... ok
man i need Pinterest or something so i can easily get quality memes and images and stuff and not from annoying Google
ermmmmmmmmm yeah i'm up too late goodnight uhhhhhhh
gn or good morning/avo


  • > Muna Is Sketching... ghguihurihhg

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 You just SCROLL FOR HOURS MATEEEE-

  • > Muna Is Sketching... oh then how do people get quality memes ? XD all i get from Google are plain memes that would make 60 yearolds laugh

  • Pinterest probably wont give you the exact memes you want- Search engine is not very good with complicated descriptions but you need to scroll for a long time to get what you want

the mask is done

all i did from last time was add earrings and elastic =] also Pinkay here's progress on the request, i'm still so sorry i take so long, i'll try to finish it soon but i need to redraw the butterfly cuz it looks crap XD--
anyways i finished the mask quickly, i like it
i might make another canine like my first one, but eventually i'll explore more animals

also dunno how i feel about adding a pic of me, i'll get scolded by Muna but i hope my parents dont see it
goodnight or morning/avo


  • > Soulflamexu22 tysm !! ^^

  • It looks so cool!!

  • > 🩷🍪🐑𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒂𝒚 🐑🍪🩷 i'm glad !!! and thank you so so much, you're so patient ;0;

  • > Oddish tysm, Oddish !!!!! ^^

drown me !!!!!!!!

by Junie & TheHutFriends <333333333333
idk should i just make random topics on random songs i've been listening to ?? i think i should ^^


  • > 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙞🕷️ OMG YEZ yeah it sounds so like... silly but also kind of unhinged a little, idk it IS hard to explain, you're right XD yayayaayayyayya !!!!!!! i listen to songs 24/7 so making topics regularly about them will be fun lol

  • OMG I KNOW THIS SONG IT'S SO PRETTY 😭😭 like idk how to explain but it sounds pretty 🥹 And yes I think u should !!! I wanna know what other bangers u listen to 🤭


or morning/avo


mm-m-mm-m-mm yaahhhh
iiii dont liike my booddyyyy
why do i look so faaaaaat
why does everyone else's torsos narrow down once they grow up but mine didn't
i look like a rectangle
built like a fridge DDDDX i hate it
i hate having the "endomorph" body type, i look absolutely ridiculous and ppl probably judge me when i'm wearing equestrian vaulting leotards
part of me wants to starve myself just to see if my torso ACTUALLY narrows down or i'm literally just a refridgerator as a human
but ofc i have a family who cares about me and would notice i'm not eating, AND vigorous sports to do that require energy
idk, i just wish i actually had flattering curves


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Aw, thank you! ❤️

  • > DEXIMUS oki ! <3333 you're the best, Dex !!!

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 I understand it can be difficult to take care of yourself, but just know you are doing great. No need to thank me, it's something you needed to hear ❤️ I'm so happy you're not hurting yourself over this, and I hope you continue to not. If you ever need me, I'm just a DM away!

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ tysm !! ^^


i have a super-duper bad razor burn in my ARMPIT
it's so bad i had to skip the vaulting session this morning ugghhhhhh it's hard to do any sort of daily task, too

this is why i don't shave my armpits myself but Mum is goneee ;0;0;0;0;0


  • > ✯*-.VIVLZ6670!✧꙳- i cri it's not hurting as much anymore which is so much better, i'm still sad i missed the vaulting session tho and my mum over the phone was like " =/ " when i said why i couldn't vault SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE PAINNN anyways hai, Vivlzz !!!! <3333

  • noooooooooooooooooooooooooo what :[[

doodles/vent ^^

goodnight everyoneeeee or good morning/day/whatever
btw i'm okay
i've just had a rough afternoon at the equestrian vaulting session, i tried to mount onto the horse at canter (which i did with no help, my sister who needed to help went panic mode which i can relate to) and i was hanging off the horse while he was cantering, but i pulled myself upright thankfully
but then while on him i cried =] i assume it was a sort of... trauma response (dunno if "trauma" is going too far) because i've had a couple horses buck me off, one of them being verryy scary and bad where i sort of went flying

iddkdkkdkdkdk i just don't want to fall under the horses hooves and get trampledd cuz if i didn't have the strength to pull myself up i would've gone into horse's hooves zone

ANYWAYSSS enough of mah rant hehe


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 <333333333

  • > Shortrose eEEEEee tysmmm !!!! <33333

  • Idk why but why but I love your art so much I think it’s Expressions

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Nah ur good, like I said I've had situations where I'm not sure to label it trauma lol

it's now fuzzy and felted

i'm already progressing through this mask sooo much faster than my first one


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Oh I didn’t know that thx ☺️

  • > Shortrose nah that's alright !! XD i hope the extra info was useful ^^ quadrobics is a sport where you walk/trot/run on all fours, and also jump/climb/ect =D it's really fun, but you need to be careful and make sure you're not injured or anything to do them, they can be hard

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 ohhh thats reasonable XD i hope you get that tail

  • I already knew about most of the info from YouTube but what is a quadrobist

yeyeeyeeyy chilly morning

it's finally getting colder in Aussie and i ate a cold breakfast to make it colder <3333333333333333


  • > ❤‍🩹★BelleOfTheBallAndChainz★🌀 eeeeeee have fun !!! i hope it'll be a nice time !! =D don't forget the popcorn XD if you have it lel

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 i rented it from the library a couple years ago :3 im gonna watch my favorite movie w my bff tonite :3

  • > ❤‍🩹★BelleOfTheBallAndChainz★🌀 oh cool !! ^^ yeah, although it's one of my favourite shows, i never really watch it, but maybe there's episodes on YT or something XD i like to draw it from time to time, tho

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 my fav tv show is good omens, but my fav overall show of any kind is camp here and there or the magnus archives :3 i wanna watch mlp again, the nostalgiaaaaaaaaa :[