Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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「ART street 定期イラストコンテスト 10月度テーマ:カラフル 」開始

ART street 定期イラストコンテスト10月のテーマは「カラフル」です!





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Things you need to know

I'm very sorry that I've not posted for WEEKS, but today was one of my last posts before I go away for sometime.. like.. a kinda long time- I will still be here for a couple of days except for tomorrow.
Kebinox I am still working hard on your request! Gonna try and get as much progress done before I go. I have finished Kkcool's request a while ago, I wanted to post everybody's request around the same time so that they all feel equal, but I may as well just post Kkcool's before I leave. I will do that in a couple of days!

I'm trying to spread out my posting, like.. posting once a week so then my engagement improves, because I'm a bit of a dead artist even though I'm drawing SO much-
I really wish I can be as.. popular as I was last year. But hey, this year I was just kind of learning art more than actually doing full-fledged art. Sometimes you just have years like that. I hope next year I'll be better..
I cannot be mad at the fact that I'm getting significantly less likes and views and whatnot. I mean, I just can't draw fast enough! Most of this is on me since I'm not posting once a week.
I did tell myself that I can focus on learning, and since I've got a job and I'm working on my physical weaknesses, I haven't been creating much for you guys, or for me either. But it still makes me feel like I haven't progressed when my art gets less noticed. Can't escape the social media aspect of art can you?

Maybe stress is making me feel this way.. Almost like everything is a grind for me atm. I have many different parts of my life that I do, and they are ALL at the grinding stage XD- Sounds funny.

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