Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Babalon left a comment!

I’m scared for the future. Seriously.


So, more than recently I’ve been seeing when younger children cry, yell, etc. Their parent or the adult of the group, gives them their phone. I don’t like this method of teaching a child how to “calm down” because it’s not, I’m being blunt. It’s not a way to calm them down. It’s more of a reward in their eyes.
The child could see them getting the/a phone as a reward due to watching content they enjoy on it, etc. So, therefore, the child will purposefully be rude/disrespectful/unbehaved in order to achieve getting the phone.

I’m sorry, but parents these upcoming days are a bit soft. Children need discipline, NOT a screen to numb their brain. Giving a crying child a phone doesn’t teach them about self-control, if the phone or device is instantly calming them down, then why should they try to learn self-control if they can instantly feel happiness, etc with a click of a phone.

Here’s one more thing, people say to keep sexuality out of kids content (which I agree with to some degree) but hey, WHY NOT KEEP PREGNANCY OUT OF IT TOO??

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Babalon left a comment!


Why astro blocked me!????😭
What have I done we didn't even talk for a long time...
Did I offended her or something!?? Someone pls talk to her.. :'(

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  • > Muna Sketches I- Ok... I just want to to introduce her in the religion I didn't even forced her to do so.. it's fine tho.. I'm not mad or hate her, she is still my friend but i did not expect this will get to a point she will block me :/

  • > Babalon oof I'm sorry they did that...

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Yes..

  • > ❤️🐉NotClaudia_artz_official🌸🍡 The splatoon pfp

Babalon left a comment!


Why astro blocked me!????😭
What have I done we didn't even talk for a long time...
Did I offended her or something!?? Someone pls talk to her.. :'(

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  • > Muna Sketches I- Ok... I just want to to introduce her in the religion I didn't even forced her to do so.. it's fine tho.. I'm not mad or hate her, she is still my friend but i did not expect this will get to a point she will block me :/

  • > Babalon oof I'm sorry they did that...

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Yes..

  • > ❤️🐉NotClaudia_artz_official🌸🍡 The splatoon pfp

Babalon left a comment!


Why astro blocked me!????😭
What have I done we didn't even talk for a long time...
Did I offended her or something!?? Someone pls talk to her.. :'(

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  • > Muna Sketches I- Ok... I just want to to introduce her in the religion I didn't even forced her to do so.. it's fine tho.. I'm not mad or hate her, she is still my friend but i did not expect this will get to a point she will block me :/

  • > Babalon oof I'm sorry they did that...

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Yes..

  • > ❤️🐉NotClaudia_artz_official🌸🍡 The splatoon pfp


Why astro blocked me!????😭
What have I done we didn't even talk for a long time...
Did I offended her or something!?? Someone pls talk to her.. :'(

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  • > Muna Sketches I- Ok... I just want to to introduce her in the religion I didn't even forced her to do so.. it's fine tho.. I'm not mad or hate her, she is still my friend but i did not expect this will get to a point she will block me :/

  • > Babalon oof I'm sorry they did that...

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Yes..

  • > ❤️🐉NotClaudia_artz_official🌸🍡 The splatoon pfp

Babalon left a comment!

Discretion of Allah :]

Who is Allah?

Allah is the one who created the heaven and the earth and all human beings and animals in drop of water! Have you ever seen the leaves? Are they look the same? No! I mean look how magnificent are Allah's creations no leaf look the same no human being look the same (except for twins) we are all different and that makes us unique :]
And most importantly... He is the ✨most merciful✨what that means?
Have you ever asked how did I existed? Who created me? But another question is "why Allah did not punish me even that I disobeyed him?" because he is the most merciful❤️ if he was not the most merciful anything that made Allah angry we will be erased out of existence but since he is the most merciful he want to you come back to him, why he wants to punish you? He did not burned your house, he did chop of your body, but instead he provide more, he gives you more!
And this is why we should thank Allah for the bad and even for the BAD!!
that is right. It may be easy thanking Allah when something good happens but it's hard to thank Allah for a calamity.. The people who goes to paradise with no question are the one who thank Allah for the bad and the good! :0
I tried to be that person but it was hard.. :')
Another example of the most merciful, a 90 years old Spanish guy said his witness, (shahada) 90 years!!!!! This man lived for 90 years and he finally believed in Allah :D that is a mercy!!!
And a man who killed 100 people he regret what he did, he was about to repent but unfortunately he DIED! And what Allah did? He entered him paradise. Just because he was ABOUT to repent. if that not a mercy what is it..?
Guys Allah's mercy is bigger than your sins than your problems.. This why we say "Allhu akbar" akbar means the greatest. So no matter how big your sins are how much sins you've done.. Just remember Allah is bigger than them. Even if you sinned millions times and if you repent over and over again.. He will still forgive you because again..

He is the most merciful! 💖💖

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  • > Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 I was born in a Muslim family but I wasn't religious enough because my parents didn't teach me anything..whenI was a child, I sometimes asked myself who am I? Where did I come from? If we died will we live in dark grave forever? ( I didn't even know heaven or hell exist) but when I turned 13 my questions answered!( I wasn't still religious) but between 14-15 I knew my purpose. And then I become religious. So basically it is all about time. you can't find everything in one day you need to keep finding and finding until you get your questions answered. I think because you don't have the knowledge of my religion this is why you think Islam doesn't feels right for you. My advice to you if you want to convert one day, start with short funny and knowledgeable videos. The more you gain knowledge the more you have faith.

  • > Babalon I don't have anything against Islam at all- I'm not particularly religious in general. I'm not a fan of how religion is used by some people, and how it makes the goodness of a good deed questionable. It begs the question, "is this person doing good things to gain something?" I like to do things because I believe that they're right. The church that I grew up in made it very hard for me to believe that I am a good enough person, and made me question why I tried to do good things. I try to do good things and be kind just because. I want to make the world a better place, and make people happy. I never have to question my own motives, for once I feel like I know myself as who I am, rather than my identity being my beliefs I suppose islam just doesn't feel quite right for me. I suppose that religion I'm general just isn't something that weighs on my heart or connects with me personally

  • > Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 salam again soccs! i know this is a bit random but i had to. i have a question ( I don't want to sound I'm forcing you or anything, I'm just curious..) What is make you not accepting Islam? Is there is something against you makes you not accepting it?

  • The joy and fulfillment that Allah brings you is beautiful! Have a wonderful day, many blessings upon you

Discretion of Allah :]

Who is Allah?

Allah is the one who created the heaven and the earth and all human beings and animals in drop of water! Have you ever seen the leaves? Are they look the same? No! I mean look how magnificent are Allah's creations no leaf look the same no human being look the same (except for twins) we are all different and that makes us unique :]
And most importantly... He is the ✨most merciful✨what that means?
Have you ever asked how did I existed? Who created me? But another question is "why Allah did not punish me even that I disobeyed him?" because he is the most merciful❤️ if he was not the most merciful anything that made Allah angry we will be erased out of existence but since he is the most merciful he want to you come back to him, why he wants to punish you? He did not burned your house, he did chop of your body, but instead he provide more, he gives you more!
And this is why we should thank Allah for the bad and even for the BAD!!
that is right. It may be easy thanking Allah when something good happens but it's hard to thank Allah for a calamity.. The people who goes to paradise with no question are the one who thank Allah for the bad and the good! :0
I tried to be that person but it was hard.. :')
Another example of the most merciful, a 90 years old Spanish guy said his witness, (shahada) 90 years!!!!! This man lived for 90 years and he finally believed in Allah :D that is a mercy!!!
And a man who killed 100 people he regret what he did, he was about to repent but unfortunately he DIED! And what Allah did? He entered him paradise. Just because he was ABOUT to repent. if that not a mercy what is it..?
Guys Allah's mercy is bigger than your sins than your problems.. This why we say "Allhu akbar" akbar means the greatest. So no matter how big your sins are how much sins you've done.. Just remember Allah is bigger than them. Even if you sinned millions times and if you repent over and over again.. He will still forgive you because again..

He is the most merciful! 💖💖

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  • > Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 I was born in a Muslim family but I wasn't religious enough because my parents didn't teach me anything..whenI was a child, I sometimes asked myself who am I? Where did I come from? If we died will we live in dark grave forever? ( I didn't even know heaven or hell exist) but when I turned 13 my questions answered!( I wasn't still religious) but between 14-15 I knew my purpose. And then I become religious. So basically it is all about time. you can't find everything in one day you need to keep finding and finding until you get your questions answered. I think because you don't have the knowledge of my religion this is why you think Islam doesn't feels right for you. My advice to you if you want to convert one day, start with short funny and knowledgeable videos. The more you gain knowledge the more you have faith.

  • > Babalon I don't have anything against Islam at all- I'm not particularly religious in general. I'm not a fan of how religion is used by some people, and how it makes the goodness of a good deed questionable. It begs the question, "is this person doing good things to gain something?" I like to do things because I believe that they're right. The church that I grew up in made it very hard for me to believe that I am a good enough person, and made me question why I tried to do good things. I try to do good things and be kind just because. I want to make the world a better place, and make people happy. I never have to question my own motives, for once I feel like I know myself as who I am, rather than my identity being my beliefs I suppose islam just doesn't feel quite right for me. I suppose that religion I'm general just isn't something that weighs on my heart or connects with me personally

  • > Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 salam again soccs! i know this is a bit random but i had to. i have a question ( I don't want to sound I'm forcing you or anything, I'm just curious..) What is make you not accepting Islam? Is there is something against you makes you not accepting it?

  • The joy and fulfillment that Allah brings you is beautiful! Have a wonderful day, many blessings upon you

Babalon left a comment!

Pleas read

I know I said I will leave this site because of the hard things going on with my family and my relatives

But I decided to stay a bit longer because one I might do commissions here in case someone is asking for one
Also I don't want to leave just yet I still want to make memories here before I go
And Not just that I still have 6 mouth left in order for me to save my home
So I might as well open one slot for commission since I'm almost done with home work

And for the one that did wrong to me and my friends here on this site
I hope that our pasts will go behind us all
But if your still going to be rude then no
I hope that this year will be much better that last year
I hope everything will be back to being peaceful ^^

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Babalon left a comment!

so it's almost 2024..

2023 was a crazy year for me.the year were I played less video games no year I played video games that less.. And become more responsible and met many cool friends :]
Next year I will try to be more active idk how but I will do something😅
Post many hadith that I know them, and most importantly...
I won't waste this ramadhan this time >:D and question for all..

How was 2023 for you?

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  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Ooh nice! :D Also I've saw a short about "is Japan a friendly place for Muslims" and yes it was :D they really care about Muslim people!! ^^

  • Cool It was kind of hard but all was good. M going to celebrate new year like Japanese people do because im in Japan

so it's almost 2024..

2023 was a crazy year for me.the year were I played less video games no year I played video games that less.. And become more responsible and met many cool friends :]
Next year I will try to be more active idk how but I will do something😅
Post many hadith that I know them, and most importantly...
I won't waste this ramadhan this time >:D and question for all..

How was 2023 for you?

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  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Ooh nice! :D Also I've saw a short about "is Japan a friendly place for Muslims" and yes it was :D they really care about Muslim people!! ^^

  • Cool It was kind of hard but all was good. M going to celebrate new year like Japanese people do because im in Japan

Babalon left a comment!

Please read

I will be on leave early than I thought
Something came up here in art street that made me upset
I will DM my friends so they will be updated how I'm doing
I will be drawing the prizes from my contests and post a small video for you guys before I leave
Thanks for the support and please continue this
Thank you for helping me get this far. I am still fighting for my home
I will send my commission information to share,
I'm so happy to meet so many wonderful friends and people
If you wonder why I am choosing to leave early I will send a link why
Also know that I will drop by once in awhile to see how you all
I will still like your art and comment if I can
I will be working until I reach the end of my school life
I'll make sure to be there when you are down just like how you were with me
I am still working on the story for the comic so that when I send it
The comic will be done
I'm also making samples for making characters for people
And I am still pushing everything I have left
I wish I can do more collabs so the gift I am making will look cool and that it hits the end of the song XD
So ya I will leave on the 30th
But I do hope you all will help me with this
I'm so glad to have good tunas like you ^^
Please help me spread the new and that by the end of it I get to keep my home and that I don't have to move far or worse =_=
I will send hugs to you all

I'll ask my sister if she still want to join this collab qwq
The true friends one I'm going to change something to it ( just one little change)

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Babalon liked!

Please read

I will be on leave early than I thought
Something came up here in art street that made me upset
I will DM my friends so they will be updated how I'm doing
I will be drawing the prizes from my contests and post a small video for you guys before I leave
Thanks for the support and please continue this
Thank you for helping me get this far. I am still fighting for my home
I will send my commission information to share,
I'm so happy to meet so many wonderful friends and people
If you wonder why I am choosing to leave early I will send a link why
Also know that I will drop by once in awhile to see how you all
I will still like your art and comment if I can
I will be working until I reach the end of my school life
I'll make sure to be there when you are down just like how you were with me
I am still working on the story for the comic so that when I send it
The comic will be done
I'm also making samples for making characters for people
And I am still pushing everything I have left
I wish I can do more collabs so the gift I am making will look cool and that it hits the end of the song XD
So ya I will leave on the 30th
But I do hope you all will help me with this
I'm so glad to have good tunas like you ^^
Please help me spread the new and that by the end of it I get to keep my home and that I don't have to move far or worse =_=
I will send hugs to you all

I'll ask my sister if she still want to join this collab qwq
The true friends one I'm going to change something to it ( just one little change)

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Babalon left a comment!

Please read

I will be on leave early than I thought
Something came up here in art street that made me upset
I will DM my friends so they will be updated how I'm doing
I will be drawing the prizes from my contests and post a small video for you guys before I leave
Thanks for the support and please continue this
Thank you for helping me get this far. I am still fighting for my home
I will send my commission information to share,
I'm so happy to meet so many wonderful friends and people
If you wonder why I am choosing to leave early I will send a link why
Also know that I will drop by once in awhile to see how you all
I will still like your art and comment if I can
I will be working until I reach the end of my school life
I'll make sure to be there when you are down just like how you were with me
I am still working on the story for the comic so that when I send it
The comic will be done
I'm also making samples for making characters for people
And I am still pushing everything I have left
I wish I can do more collabs so the gift I am making will look cool and that it hits the end of the song XD
So ya I will leave on the 30th
But I do hope you all will help me with this
I'm so glad to have good tunas like you ^^
Please help me spread the new and that by the end of it I get to keep my home and that I don't have to move far or worse =_=
I will send hugs to you all

I'll ask my sister if she still want to join this collab qwq
The true friends one I'm going to change something to it ( just one little change)

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Babalon left a comment!

Please read

I will be on leave early than I thought
Something came up here in art street that made me upset
I will DM my friends so they will be updated how I'm doing
I will be drawing the prizes from my contests and post a small video for you guys before I leave
Thanks for the support and please continue this
Thank you for helping me get this far. I am still fighting for my home
I will send my commission information to share,
I'm so happy to meet so many wonderful friends and people
If you wonder why I am choosing to leave early I will send a link why
Also know that I will drop by once in awhile to see how you all
I will still like your art and comment if I can
I will be working until I reach the end of my school life
I'll make sure to be there when you are down just like how you were with me
I am still working on the story for the comic so that when I send it
The comic will be done
I'm also making samples for making characters for people
And I am still pushing everything I have left
I wish I can do more collabs so the gift I am making will look cool and that it hits the end of the song XD
So ya I will leave on the 30th
But I do hope you all will help me with this
I'm so glad to have good tunas like you ^^
Please help me spread the new and that by the end of it I get to keep my home and that I don't have to move far or worse =_=
I will send hugs to you all

I'll ask my sister if she still want to join this collab qwq
The true friends one I'm going to change something to it ( just one little change)

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Babalon liked!