Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Duckii left a comment!

Well uhm

I'm so sorry if I seem basic rn for doing this but like I genuinely want to know. Sorry again in advance.

Do you look up to me as an artist?
I also have another question im sorry 😔
What would one of my art pieces be worth on a range of $1-$100? If i ever price my art i want to know what it would prolly be worth. Be brutally honest. (Its also because I wanna know how highly u think of my art lol)

Pls dont ignore this pls answer i must know im sorry.

▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼doggo wishes u good day ❤️

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  • > -AshiaDraws- Np! Hehe XD

  • > Ðex And doggo says ▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼np *Ruff ruff*

  • > Ðex Thank u dexie i rlly appreciate it💙

  • Yes! I think of you as an artist ^^ And I'd say about $5-15 depending on the size of the illustration and how complex the character is :D Thank you doggo❤❤

Duckii left a comment!

Well uhm

I'm so sorry if I seem basic rn for doing this but like I genuinely want to know. Sorry again in advance.

Do you look up to me as an artist?
I also have another question im sorry 😔
What would one of my art pieces be worth on a range of $1-$100? If i ever price my art i want to know what it would prolly be worth. Be brutally honest. (Its also because I wanna know how highly u think of my art lol)

Pls dont ignore this pls answer i must know im sorry.

▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼doggo wishes u good day ❤️

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  • > -AshiaDraws- Np! Hehe XD

  • > Ðex And doggo says ▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼np *Ruff ruff*

  • > Ðex Thank u dexie i rlly appreciate it💙

  • Yes! I think of you as an artist ^^ And I'd say about $5-15 depending on the size of the illustration and how complex the character is :D Thank you doggo❤❤

Well uhm

I'm so sorry if I seem basic rn for doing this but like I genuinely want to know. Sorry again in advance.

Do you look up to me as an artist?
I also have another question im sorry 😔
What would one of my art pieces be worth on a range of $1-$100? If i ever price my art i want to know what it would prolly be worth. Be brutally honest. (Its also because I wanna know how highly u think of my art lol)

Pls dont ignore this pls answer i must know im sorry.

▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼doggo wishes u good day ❤️

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  • > -AshiaDraws- Np! Hehe XD

  • > Ðex And doggo says ▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼np *Ruff ruff*

  • > Ðex Thank u dexie i rlly appreciate it💙

  • Yes! I think of you as an artist ^^ And I'd say about $5-15 depending on the size of the illustration and how complex the character is :D Thank you doggo❤❤

Duckii left a comment!

Just wanna vent rn

Hey so...
I'm starting to feel kinda worthless and horrible in the art field. It's just like, my friend has gotten better. Now wait wait wait. It's not the fact that my friends gotten better at art im happy for him. Its the fact that i now get to be judged on my art because i aspire to have art thats as good as his. I cant do that now because I dont want to be seen as copying or bad at art. I cried yesterday because its just like nobody likes my art. And im never getting anywhere in the artistic field. Its not just my friend. Everyone else has better art than me. Dont get me wrong, that is great for them. But it just belittles me knowing that almost everyone is better and im just one of the worst. Yesterday I tried drawing some hands because my friend is like greatt at hands. And his reaction was "ew wth mines better". I know that was a joke but it js hurts knowing its true and im worthless when it comes to drawing. I jus wanna have my art be loved man
I'm prolly a bad friend now because Im venting upon my friends success.

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  • > -AshiaDraws- Np! :)

  • > Ðex Thank you dexie that means a lot to me to know that :)

  • Tbh, I like your art! Its very pretty! I love how you can draw different people rather then just sticking to one thing :)

  • *friend

Just wanna vent rn

Hey so...
I'm starting to feel kinda worthless and horrible in the art field. It's just like, my friend has gotten better. Now wait wait wait. It's not the fact that my friends gotten better at art im happy for him. Its the fact that i now get to be judged on my art because i aspire to have art thats as good as his. I cant do that now because I dont want to be seen as copying or bad at art. I cried yesterday because its just like nobody likes my art. And im never getting anywhere in the artistic field. Its not just my friend. Everyone else has better art than me. Dont get me wrong, that is great for them. But it just belittles me knowing that almost everyone is better and im just one of the worst. Yesterday I tried drawing some hands because my friend is like greatt at hands. And his reaction was "ew wth mines better". I know that was a joke but it js hurts knowing its true and im worthless when it comes to drawing. I jus wanna have my art be loved man
I'm prolly a bad friend now because Im venting upon my friends success.

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  • > -AshiaDraws- Np! :)

  • > Ðex Thank you dexie that means a lot to me to know that :)

  • Tbh, I like your art! Its very pretty! I love how you can draw different people rather then just sticking to one thing :)

  • *friend


This just happened to me today at school. If you don't want to listen, that's fine just click away :)

So today, I was going to french class and I needed my pencil (I keep a pencil in my locker because we can't go in the classroom unless we need to get our laptops for sumn).
Then I try to unlock my locker and I entered my usual passcode BUT FOR SOME REASON, IT DIDNT WORK 😭
It literally worked in the morning when I put my stuff in my locker and I used the same passcode as the one I used in the morning.

I'm trying everything. Like my old passwords, shuffling the dials around. And nothing worked. At this point im stressed and I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown.

Lunch comes around, I can't get my stuff from my locker to go to lunch. So my french teacher had to call the caretaker to cut my lock in half.


It's a souvenir of my trauma when I was hyperventilating in french class

Now I can't bring my phone to school until my parents buy me a new lock because im broke 🥲


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