Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Another part to my lil story

Ive decided im not gonna do a dual pov because that takes too much work and im already demotivated enough as is
But anyways lmk what you think in the comments ❤️

I rushed all the way to Melanie's house after detention to tell here everything. "Where the hell were you??" she said the second I walked in the big brown door of her house. I sighed and replied "Mrs. Lawrence put me in detention.". "Detention??? You never go to detention. You're a good girl. Why did you go today?".
"I was on the verge of sleeping in math class."
"Checks out. Seems like something you would do. Mrs. Lawrence is pretty strict as well."
"Yah think?" I said sarcastically. We both laughed and Melanie's mom then came to give us snacks. After that we carried on with the conversation.
"So like, today I met a nice guy. His name was Damian." I told Melanie.
"Ohhh I think I know him. He's from my science class. Do you like him?" she said giggling.

"Pfft, you wish. I'm 15 and still haven't fell in love. What makes you think I'll start now?" I replied.
"You never know, right?" she said with a smirk and winked. The audacity of her.
I then heard a slight vibration from my phone. It was my mother telling me to come home even though I just got to Melanie's house. "I gotta go home now Mel. See you tomorrow!" I said.
"See yah bestie." she said with a smile.
I took the bus home through the roads of my hometown, Montville. It took a while since I live very far from Melanie. It's a 1 hour bus ride since I need to take 2 buses. Once I finally got home, I did my homework, read some books, ate dinner, washed up and went to bed.

Chapter 2 - Friendship?
My alarm clock greeted me with an extra loud alarm today. I woke up and did my usual morning routine.
1. Shower
2. Get Dressed
3. Eat
4. Get on the school bus
I walked into school and saw Damian. I waved enthusiastically and he waved back. Things like this just make my day.

Thankfully, I didn't have math class on my schedule. I only had History, English, P.E., and a few others.
Lunch came around and I went to go get my food. Today we had fettuccine alfredo. I stood in the line patiently, staring at the clock wondering if I would get my food in time. By the time there was only 20 minutes left, I still was 5 people left before I would get my food. Subsequently, a tall dude in a royal blue hoodie decided to squeeze in front of me impolitely. And wouldn't you know? It was none other than Damian. He had the absolute audacity to just cut the line. "Hope you don't mind waiting." he said, mischievously snickering.
"I do mind."
"Too bad."

My blood started to boil a little bit. I couldn't believe he had the gut to talk to me like that. I was kind of shocked. I just wanted to get my food in time without having to shove it down my throat before my next class. Being the jokester I am, I decided to push him because I thought it would be funny payback. To my surprise, he ended up falling to the floor face first. Blood dripped out of his nose. My jaw dropped. I didn't think I would be that strong. I just did it as a joke! He had to go to the nurses office after that and I had to go to the PRINCIPALS OFFICE instead.

I feel so bad for slacking because like i told my friends i might get this done and im not motivated

And i have a lot on my plate i have a math test french test math CONTEST and i have to complete this so im sorry

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  • > Ðex Thank u so much dex! Youre so kind :)

  • Wow, this is really good I love it! Its so cool to me how you turned one short story into a big one :0

Duckii liked!

C4 (Rushed-)

After the first meal hour Decco got escorted back to her cell, as usual.
“Here’s your cell,miss.” the guard spoke, making a short lived hand gesture to the dark-ish room. “Thank you.” was the only response she could think of, nobody would be thankful for being put into a small concrete gray tile lined room; especially when you'd find yourself spending most of your time in it.
Before the guard could fully lock up the cell door,Decco spoke.
“..Do you know what they're doing to-” She got cut off.
“That information is confidential,miss.” the guard acknowledged,fully closing the door,then walking away.
Decco sighed(more of a grunt-ish type sigh.), she knew this situation wasn’t going to get better.
waiting it out seemed more reliable then poking around in things she didn't need to know then get punished for doing so.

A week and a half passed by, Neon still isn’t back.
I wouldn’t say Decco was worried she was more or less concerned.
(Doesn't really matter since they're almost the same word.)They wouldn’t kill her for no reason,would they? Her mind was going back and forth on the thought. To ease her mind she’d just think of the best possible outcome. “Neon’s fine! they’re taking good care of her,they wont hurt her.”
was repeating in the back of her mind like a song you can get out of your head.
Being incredibly lonely was hell in itself,I bet someone could agree.

Two days pass by, Decco wakes up to another day (it wasn’t a nice feeling to wake up in the cold) . She was hoping they’d turn the heater on due to it being extremely cold inside the facility. (after all the subjects woke up they eventually did.)
As Decco ate her first meal someone asked to sit next to her. She looked up to give a response then paused(looking very much surprised.) “Are ya gonna let me sit or not, dumb-dumb” chuckled someone familiar. It took a few seconds for Decco to process what was happening before her. Neon’s alive, and looking better than she ever had. “Yeah-yeah-yeah–” Decco jabbered, trying not to sound too determined to see her. Neon then immediately sat down next to her.
“Are you okay?” Decco asked, pushing away their cold oatmeal.
“Yeah! I'm perfectly fine. why?” Neon replied,rather goofily while taking a bite of oatmeal. “You’ve been gone for weeks.” Decco said, sounding pretty monotone.
“It’s not my fault rib surgery takes forever.” “Are you trying to blame me for leaving you alone?” Neon playfully added with an over dramatic gasp.
Decco was too surprised to speak,she didn’t know what to say.
“Why did they give you rib surgery??” Decco questioned.
Neon sighed,”apparently, they were uneven so they fixed them.”
“That's..odd. I don't understand why they’d do it just out of the blue.”
“You tell me,Doc.” Neon jokes, crossing her arms.

Tbh, i don't like this “chapter”,it’s rushed, my ideas kinda just dropped dead.
hope you enjoyed this mess-

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I have no motivation

I dont have the motivation to do anything. Even if its fun like playing my fav roblox game or drawing or writing my story. I just feel lazy and if im right i heard this was a sign of depression. Theres so many fun things i can do and i have a lot of free time but i dont feel like doing many things. Does anyone else feel like this sometimes and will this feeling go away and ill be able to want to do fun things

Also i dont feel depressed im js saying im fine guys :)

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  • I'm feeling that rn actually! :')

Duckii left a comment!

C4 (Kinda long-)

The warm sun rose though the small cell window as Neon awoke to the sun staring back at her. Even though she slept a good 7 hours she still felt exhausted, she’d do anything to go back to bed.
(Even though the bed wasn’t the best.)
It felt nothing like yesterday,weather wise,it was warm.
This was possibly due to the sunlight sneaking its way into the facility or it could possibly be due to the heater being on.Since it was freezing yesterday.
Decco was still asleep, Neon hesitated trying to wake them due to how grumpy she usually eats when people disturb their sleep; but yet Neon’s actually doing them a favor in the end. scientists don't want the subjects to sleep in because…well, they just don't want them to. 7:00 is a reasonable time anyways,it could always be worse.
Neon quickly walked over to Decco’s bed and slightly but quickly shook them awake.
“Wake up sleeping beauty, you’re gonna miss the first meal time.” Neon said with a yawn. Decco groaned,then lazily sat up rubbing her eyes.
“ new nickname,huh?” Decco said with a tired laugh.
Neon let out a small “Pfft”,then started to head towards the cell door waiting for it to be opened.
“You wish.” Neon chuckled. “Oh really?!” Decco joked, joining Neon next to the cell door. Neon only gave a smile(eyes closed.) and nodded her head a few times.
Decco only rolled her eyes in response.
The cell door opened with a small creek, “Come with us,0786 and 1076.”The tall male asked(More or less demanded.) them.
It was hard to tell if the man was actually that big or slim under all of the armor he was looked extremely uncomfortable. (This wasn’t a scientist, it was a guard. Two of them in fact.One for each subject.)

They passed the meal room,then headed down a long corridor;
“umm..” Neon muttered nervously. “We passed the meal room,sir.” Decco spoke out, looking at the guard next to her.
“You’ll get your meal soon.” were the last words spoken for a while, nobody wanted to say anything, nor did they know what to even say.nervousness was filling them both to the brim within every step they took,almost to the point Neon wanted to vomit,it made them sick.

Then, they all finally come face to face with a scientist.
“Carl” his name tag read,sitting almost proudly above his left chest pocket.
“Ah! Hello,0786-” he cut himself off with a confused stare.
“..why is the other one here.” Carl asked coldly,it sounded more like a threat rather than a question.
“We thought you wanted her here,sir.” one guard spoke out.
“Follow basic orders. You are dismissed." Carl responded, grabbing Neon's wrist, taking her into another room close by. You could see both Decco and Neon tried to protest but failed.

Decco later got their first meal,it tasted colder than usual.

Sorry for the long chapter haha-
kinda got carried away, hopefully this is ok
it was a bit rushed :,]
Also sorry for the cliffhanger ehahahaha-

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I made a story and its a wip.

That Guy From Detention - By me
"I want to go home. I want to go home. Let me out of this classroom and let me slee–" I thought whilst staring into the abyss trying not to sleep in the midst of mathematics.
I got cut off when I heard a ridiculously loud bang on my desk. "Eden Greenwood! Are you paying attention?!" Mrs. Annoying teacher yelled. Of course I wasn't. Math sucks. We weren't even learning anything practical.
"Y-yes, Mrs. Lawrence. I was paying attention.", I lied. "Reeeaaally?" she said while snapping her fingers. I never understood her attitude. She always had that signature snap and sassy attitude towards all students. I reeeaaally just don't get it. Let me stare at the window and think about waffles in peace, please. "If you were really paying attention, what's X?".

"Uhm… uh… 3-3,462?" I stammered out nervously, hoping it was at least close. I knew it wasn't going to be right since I'm extremely bad at math. Crossing my fingers, I was praying that she would cut me some slack.
The whole class stared at me, snickering and trying not to laugh. "It's 42. Detention after school.".
WHAT?! I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING! I WAS JUST PEACEFULLY MINDING MY BUSINESS! Now I had to go to the revolting detention room and be cooped up with disgusting Principal George eyeing everyone with no AC as well. I even had plans to go to my best friend, Melanie's house after school. The bell rang right after that. I reluctantly walked my way over to the room with the sign saying "Detention" in bold at the top of the door.

I entered the room and sat down on a bright blue chair. A boy with a baseball cap and oversized T-shirt glanced at me. "First time?", He said. "Y-y-yeah? H-how'd you know?" The boy chuckled. "I come here, like, all the time and I've never seen you around." he replied as he smiled. "I'm Damian. Nice to meet you."
"Eden." I replied happily. We got shushed by Principal George after talking for a good 5 minutes. However, those 5 minutes really made my detention. Damian and I agreed to sit together at lunch on the next day. A great start to a new friendship, I believe.

I met a great friend from my, like,100th detention. Her name was Eden and she was really nice.

Its a dual pov and thats it
Im thinking of adding more
What do you think?

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