Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


I have so much on my plate
Its like i want to do coding but then i forget to post and then it leads to me not doing my story and if i do anything other than those things for fun like scrolling I might feel unqualified because I cant balance this

Is it bad that im not finished my daily goal for coding because i need to finish in 21 days
I really want to take up robotics after but for that I need to learn C++ and for that I need to finish python

Do you think i could like multitask and do 2 things at the same time. It seems like too much.

Im going to persist as hard as I can

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Look at this ice cream and this post

Take it in.
This is your motivation to get off your bum and go get an ice cream from your freezer when you can

Its so good
And you can buy those cones
Its like an edible cone that comes in boxes of 12 or sumn

When paired with ice cream these are the best they just complement the ice cream perfectly i swear
And you can put lil toppings on it too like if you have a chocolate bar you can split it in squares and just place it on the ice cream

I might make a post that is dedicated to food ideas you prolly havent tried
No promises tho

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Life described like a video game

You spawn on a sphere with land and water with 8 billion other players who are the same. You are made up of a lot of water and some other things with approximately 326 bones (I didnt fact check this bit) at spawn. A lot of people praise you when you spawn and your developers are also praised. You are not able to see the first few chapters of your characters background but your developers can. Somehow, you just wake up in Chapter 4-5. Around the time you are in Chapter 4, you are forced to unlock a new terrain called "School" where you are obliged to go to every day for about 12 chapters to achieve one thing in your side quests. "Graduation". You also interact with other players and become allies with people. Once you complete the side quest "Graduation", you receive The Scroll of Education (diploma) and a Hat of Freedom (graduation cap)

Once you do that, you have to spend a lot of gold coins to unlock another terrain. "College". Here, you have to level up your IQ Points and gain more skills for 4-7 chapters because to make more gold coins, you will usually need at least 80 IQ Points and a few unlocked skills. Once you've finished those chapters, you need to graduate like you did in the School terrain. You also receive the Hat of Freedom and The Scroll of Education like in School.

By Chapter 24, you should have completed those quests. Now, you have to find an NPC that will pay you gold coins to use your skills with other players. Once you do that, you can purchase a place to stay and buy a lot of things. NOW you get to find another player so that you can keep developing new players. The game will kick you off permanently if you play too many chapters sometimes. And that summarizes the average player. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "Life: A Game of Survival". On Steam for Free!
This is not a real game dont actually try to find it on steam pls

I am too lazy to add extras but lmk what you think about this description i made and you can add your own lil touches as well :)

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Im sorry

I have a math contest tomorrow and I want to cry right now because i cant even get an A on the prep tests and im never gonna achieve anything

I dont even wanna go near my friend tomorrow because its an embarrassment. Their just gonna make me feel bad for not accomplishing it because they managed to pass a test two grades above with a C.

Why cant i just be smart everyone else is smarter than me
Its like i cant do anything good everyone else is better than me
I cant even be a good friend to people everyone favours other friends or MY other friends over me and sometimes im just there. My friend and their other friend were playing with something and i wanted to see so i picked some up and they HURT MY FINGER. And my best friend is favouring my other best friend over me and im just discarded.

Im all alone and i only have me. Nobody cares.



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Duckii left a comment!

Another part to my lil story

Ive decided im not gonna do a dual pov because that takes too much work and im already demotivated enough as is
But anyways lmk what you think in the comments ❤️

I rushed all the way to Melanie's house after detention to tell here everything. "Where the hell were you??" she said the second I walked in the big brown door of her house. I sighed and replied "Mrs. Lawrence put me in detention.". "Detention??? You never go to detention. You're a good girl. Why did you go today?".
"I was on the verge of sleeping in math class."
"Checks out. Seems like something you would do. Mrs. Lawrence is pretty strict as well."
"Yah think?" I said sarcastically. We both laughed and Melanie's mom then came to give us snacks. After that we carried on with the conversation.
"So like, today I met a nice guy. His name was Damian." I told Melanie.
"Ohhh I think I know him. He's from my science class. Do you like him?" she said giggling.

"Pfft, you wish. I'm 15 and still haven't fell in love. What makes you think I'll start now?" I replied.
"You never know, right?" she said with a smirk and winked. The audacity of her.
I then heard a slight vibration from my phone. It was my mother telling me to come home even though I just got to Melanie's house. "I gotta go home now Mel. See you tomorrow!" I said.
"See yah bestie." she said with a smile.
I took the bus home through the roads of my hometown, Montville. It took a while since I live very far from Melanie. It's a 1 hour bus ride since I need to take 2 buses. Once I finally got home, I did my homework, read some books, ate dinner, washed up and went to bed.

Chapter 2 - Friendship?
My alarm clock greeted me with an extra loud alarm today. I woke up and did my usual morning routine.
1. Shower
2. Get Dressed
3. Eat
4. Get on the school bus
I walked into school and saw Damian. I waved enthusiastically and he waved back. Things like this just make my day.

Thankfully, I didn't have math class on my schedule. I only had History, English, P.E., and a few others.
Lunch came around and I went to go get my food. Today we had fettuccine alfredo. I stood in the line patiently, staring at the clock wondering if I would get my food in time. By the time there was only 20 minutes left, I still was 5 people left before I would get my food. Subsequently, a tall dude in a royal blue hoodie decided to squeeze in front of me impolitely. And wouldn't you know? It was none other than Damian. He had the absolute audacity to just cut the line. "Hope you don't mind waiting." he said, mischievously snickering.
"I do mind."
"Too bad."

My blood started to boil a little bit. I couldn't believe he had the gut to talk to me like that. I was kind of shocked. I just wanted to get my food in time without having to shove it down my throat before my next class. Being the jokester I am, I decided to push him because I thought it would be funny payback. To my surprise, he ended up falling to the floor face first. Blood dripped out of his nose. My jaw dropped. I didn't think I would be that strong. I just did it as a joke! He had to go to the nurses office after that and I had to go to the PRINCIPALS OFFICE instead.

I feel so bad for slacking because like i told my friends i might get this done and im not motivated

And i have a lot on my plate i have a math test french test math CONTEST and i have to complete this so im sorry

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  • > Ðex Thank u so much dex! Youre so kind :)

  • Wow, this is really good I love it! Its so cool to me how you turned one short story into a big one :0