Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Duckii left a comment!

Do you ever get that feelin in class

Yknow how when the teacher is ranting at you or doing wtv the hell
Out of nowhere you think
"Dang im in a room full of 26 people and these people actually have lives and im just a side character in theirs"

"I could get out of my seat and run out of the class n go home and nothings stopping me"

"I can fully yell out in class and embarrass myself if i wanted to but i wont."

"What would stop me from punching Carson in the face right this second"

You know?

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  • > Cartoon Anime Especially the first one tho 😭

  • Yess 😭😭😭 I’m in a classroom with 26 people to (includeing me)

Do you ever get that feelin in class

Yknow how when the teacher is ranting at you or doing wtv the hell
Out of nowhere you think
"Dang im in a room full of 26 people and these people actually have lives and im just a side character in theirs"

"I could get out of my seat and run out of the class n go home and nothings stopping me"

"I can fully yell out in class and embarrass myself if i wanted to but i wont."

"What would stop me from punching Carson in the face right this second"

You know?

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  • > Cartoon Anime Especially the first one tho 😭

  • Yess 😭😭😭 I’m in a classroom with 26 people to (includeing me)

I have some ✨tea✨ to spill

(this is pointless and I wanna share it because I love spilling tea so if you dont care to read this dont read it)

Okay so there is this guy in my class and we are gonna call him Alan for the sake of this story

So Alan has a friend we will call Axel also for this story that is in another class and one of my friends is in Axel's class as well.

So APPARENTLY what my friend told me was that Axel said "Hey what was the name of that friend you had again?"
He said "(my name) why?"
AND APPARENTLY AXEL SAID "No wayyy Alan likes (insert my name)"


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