Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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T'oh Redesign

Some info on this little bean:
She's a little spirit, and although she is thousands of years old, she has the looks and manner of a child. She is only visible to those she wants to be visible to, and if she favors you, she might grant a wish for you. She is naive and childlike, but she is also very wise and sweet. She gets scared easily, but if you are kind to her, she will warm up to you quickly. She doesn't speak or make any noise, but she understands human speech. She also understands animals.

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Hey there, my beautiful babs.

So, this is a trend again.
I remember doing one of these WAY back when.. and it was never fully finished so I never drew it because I was too anxious to ask in other posts for other people to join in-
Here we go again!
Also, could everyone please try not to spam as much when others are at school...? I have to leave in a few minutes, and I really don't want to come home to 100 new notifications, trying to figure out if everyone's okay.
Just thought I'd ask. :3
I've also added one other category, 9th, Romantic attraction and Sexuality.

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