Sanity... Sanity sanity sanity. Sanity. A word. Of what is it's meaning? What does it mean to be sane? What does it mean to be insane? Is sanity but an illusion we created much like the idea of direction and normal? Is there ever going to be a normal? If so why can't I be that? Why must I suffer? Why do I sometimes like it? Why is pain sometimes nice. Both of mine and other's? Is any of this real? Am I even still alive or did I already leave this place?
Sanity.... I think I know the meaning now, but am quite disappointed... It doesn't describe me at all. Sanity has our own definitions. I am insane. But an insane person would not be aware of that. Then what am I? Am I slowly driving myself mad over this? What would happen when I leave? Will anyone care? I can't care when people leave. Why can't I be normal?
Sanity Sanity..... Another one left again. I feel alone. Do I deserve this? What am I? A human would definitely not act or react like this... They're gone. People miss those who leave. Why can't I miss them when they leave me? I shouldn't be smiling or joking about it... should I? What is normal?
Sanity Sanity Sanity... Normal normal normal... Something I will never be, nor do I want to be. I like who I am. So why won't they like me? Am I not good enough? Must I change myself again? I'm tired of changing. It hurts. Should I stop? They'll all leave again if I try to relieve myself of this pain. I want to be free. Is this my hell?
Sanity Sanity Sanity Sanity... I have no one. I made her leave. She was me. She was me before I was me and now she's gone because of me. I hurt her. She was me.
SANITY SANITY SANITY SANITY SANITY...... I like smiling. I hurt them. I hurt everyone. I am happy. I am free. What was the meaning of sanity again? It doesn't matter anymore. I don't have to worry. She helped me. I don't have to worry about anyone anymore, nor do they have to worry about me. We are all gone.
Fire. Beautiful red flames. Scorching hot. Burning blood. I am happy. I am free.
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