Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!

School doodles

Okay so these were taken on a bus so don’t fucking judge me!
Anyways the first one I was bored and drew Reznor flying on that bird wyvern thing I talked about. The next one I was watching this show on Netflix and I decided to try and draw something from there to practice drawing people. And the last one is this monster pretty self explanatory I guess. I mean I decided that today I succeeded at drawing people so why not try again before I look at it as a failure.

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!

School doodles

Okay so these were taken on a bus so don’t fucking judge me!
Anyways the first one I was bored and drew Reznor flying on that bird wyvern thing I talked about. The next one I was watching this show on Netflix and I decided to try and draw something from there to practice drawing people. And the last one is this monster pretty self explanatory I guess. I mean I decided that today I succeeded at drawing people so why not try again before I look at it as a failure.

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Today for the first time in amillennia, I actually don’t want to die. Like I actually feel somewhat okay. Probably because she gave me a hug today so that felt great. I mean that void of emptiness is still there but it’s almost as if just that one hug pushed it away. If you know what I mean I guess. I dunno. I don’t even know why you guys listen to my shit anyways.
Also my dad and I just found out that this Taco Bell has opened near his house and we’ve watched them build it for months. We literally just drove by.... (I know it’s unhealthy but I don’t give a shit)

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!

Frosted_Flake left a comment!

Ok you know what!?!

Frik it I'm doing this because I'm so bored and alone
It may take a while tho
I'm only doing.....5 or 6? How does that sound?
Species to pick from:
Wicker beast
Lizard or dragon
And if you give me a ref sheet I'll work with that too.
Just say second image and how many over and down it is
For any marking specifics're favorite mythical creature and then markings
Might add some extras if you ask nicely i guess or you could just demand them that's fine too :,)
These are NOT mine I'm just too lazy to do any...

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!

Ok you know what!?!

Frik it I'm doing this because I'm so bored and alone
It may take a while tho
I'm only doing.....5 or 6? How does that sound?
Species to pick from:
Wicker beast
Lizard or dragon
And if you give me a ref sheet I'll work with that too.
Just say second image and how many over and down it is
For any marking specifics're favorite mythical creature and then markings
Might add some extras if you ask nicely i guess or you could just demand them that's fine too :,)
These are NOT mine I'm just too lazy to do any...

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Chapter Fifteen: The Onslaught

He was panicking. His mother was being attacked, and there were literally a million Ice Dragons hovering above them. He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to see his family die. Oh why did his mom leave the cave. Why.

Without thinking he shot outside of the cave, darting in the opposite direction to avoid being seen. He had an idea, he just hoped it worked. Maybe those Ice Dragons would think he was just one of them. Wait- he was too tiny. Gahh, whatever- just do it for them. Do it for them.

"Hey do you see that?" A Sea Dragon asked.

"What? Where?" Another asked, climbing on top of his friend.

"It's coming this way," the first spoke.

Storm crash landed into the sand, his wibgs flailed out about the ground.

"ICE DRAGON!" A Sea Dragon shrieked, pointing at Storm. A small crowd had come to observe him.

"An Ice Dragon in the Sea Kingdom?"

"Look how pretty his scales are."

"He kinda looks like an Air Dragon."

"Shut up Dolphin."

So many comments at once. Storm rubbed his head, standing up and shaking the sand off. He gazed around at the group of Sea Dragons. They looked like they didn't want to hurt him, they were just overtly curious.

"Help!" Storm blurted out, the Sea Dragons stared at him. "I need help!"

"What's wrong?" A Sea Dragon in the front asked, his face held sincerity.

"There's Ice Dragons here!" Storm yelped.

"Well, besides you?" Another said confused.

"No, they're attacking my family! Please-" he urged.

"What do you mean little guy?" Someone asked.

"There was an Earth Dragon, and an Ice Dragon, and he tackled my dad- and now there's more Ice Dragons," Storm pointed toward his home.

Little glints of Ice Dragon scales scattered the sky. Sea Dragons squinted and some slowly sank into the water, afraid of what they saw.

"We need the patrols!"

"Ice Dragons are in the territory!"

"What if he brought them here!"

"Where are the guards?"

A Sea Dragon came, dragging a guard with her and pointing toward the bay between the Earth Kingdom and Sky Islands. Sea Dragons swam out of the water, overhearing commotion. The area soon crowded, and more and more guards filled the beach. Storm's body shook, he didn't know if he did the right thing.

"Ma'am, we don't have orders from an offical to attack." A guard talked to a concerned Sea Dragon.

"The General!" Someone shouted, and the Sea Dragons parted aside. Storm stood in his place, quivering and backing up.

"Now you do," a larger Sea Dragon with a rough voice said, growling to the guard.

"How did you manage to get here so fast?" A young Sea Dragon asked.

"Aquatic Patrols see everything before Land Patrols do," the general nodded, and the guards left the beach toward Storm's home. "And no way we're letting war come on Sea Dragon territory. " He hissed, running off along the sand.

Storm shot into the air, following the parade of Sea Dragons.

"Wait! He's leaving!" A Sea Dragon hollered at Storm.

He gazed at the beach, the Rock Dragon who saved his mother was being attacked by three different Ice Dragons. He felt bad for the stranger. His dad zipped along the air, and his mother was protecting his sister. Oh my gosh Melody- he hadn't seen Melody since her birthday. But..she looked terrible. Storm couldn't see where Harmony was, and that Ice Dragon who trailed the Rock Dragon was trying to get to Melody. Storm hoveref in the air, holding his breathe as he watched the Sea Dragons meet the Ice Dragons.

"Ice Dragons," the General's voice boomed from the beach. "Leave Sea Dragon territory."

Storm saw the Ice Dragons slowly stop and stare. A large Ice Dragon a little bit bigger than the General came from the 20 dragons. He had indigo hair and speckles like his mother did. He fluttered toward the ground and stood over the Sea Dragon.

"My my, I haven't seen you in a while.." the Ice Dragon said cunningly.

"Peak," the General hissed.

"Yes, hello Delta," he smirked, pacing in front of Delta. "It's been long hasn't it?" He said observing his talons.

"DELTA," Storm heard his dad yell, but he was dragged by two Ice Dragons and held in place.

"Leave the territory at once," Delta narrowed his eyes.

"So you gave up on healing and went into the military?" Peak said laughing. "You're so small."

Delta's expression didn't change, but he stood his ground, glaring at the Ice Dragon with purple wings.

"PEAK, LEAVE HIM ALONE. DON'T DO THIS," Storm heard his mother scream as Ice Dragons held her back as well. Her own kind, trying to kill her.

"We'll just be taking what's ours and leaving," Peak said still pacing.

"You will leave them here," Delta said, taking a step forward.

"We wouldn't want to cause trouble," Peak said slyly.

"You already have," Delta growled.

There was a tense pause. Peak gave off a low growl, looking around. Sea Dragons had lined the sand, and who knew how many were under the water at this moment.

"If you refuse to leave we are forced to charge. You are calling war on Sea Dragons, and we will not hesitate to attack," The General yelled.

"RAGH," Peak roared. "DEAL'S OFF, TAKE THE EGG AND TAKE THE PRISONERS." The Ice Dragons scattered and scooped up his family. Her sister and the Ice Dragon from before were holding claws. Dragons swarmed the area yanked the two apart. He heard his mother shriek and blast some Ice, only to be taken by three more Ice Dragons.

Sea Dragons had rushed along the beach and others leapt out of the water, nabbing onto wings and tails, hissing poison at them. His father was taken away and they'd begun to fly toward the mountains. The Rock Dragon's roar could be heard from miles away, but they had trouble getting him to stay still. One Dragon shot a dart at him, he camoflauged into the sand and materialized closer to the forest, only to get shot by another dart. Storm watched as he yanked the dart out and slashed another Ice Dragon. A second dart was shot onto his shoulder, and at that point he slowed and plummeted toward the ground.

His family was being taken away from him. First his sister, now everyone else.

What was he going to do.

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