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Chapter Seven : Empathy

    It was her third day. The pangs of hunger came only once in a while, but it was long enough that she ignored it.

     Tunk, tunk, tunk.

     She slowly raised her head to see Frostbite by the bars, he hadn't slammed on them like he did before. He slid open the bars and stood above Melody, waiting for her to stand. She eventually got up, hee body ached in all places. He grasped her by the arm and pulled her outside of her cell, closing the bars again. How long would this cycle repeat?

     Once again Melody was met face to face with the dragon Queen she despised.

     "Your highness," Frostbite bowed. "If I may speak."

     "Hm. You may," she said.

     "She's not saying anything," Frostbite said with irritation, almost like he was pinning the blame on Melody.

     "That just means you're incompetent." She strained on the last words, raising her voice.

     "My apologies," Frostbite bowed again, his voice slightly shaking.

     The Queen set a cold stare on Melody, hissing.

     "She'll die without food. Let her eat," she spat. "And get out of my sight." She finished.

     The walked out into the cooridor, the guards waiting by the door sneered. Frostbite squinted his eyes, walking past them without eye contact. Melody still couldn't piece anything together, maybe her head was just loopy. They had reached her cell, Frostbite let her inside amd she collapsed on the floor. He closed the bars, his footsteps fading down the hall. Melody clentched her teeth and stood up, edging her way to a wall. Cold puffs of air escaped her mouth as she breathed. It felt so claustrophobic in here.

     She flinched when she heard the bars open again, she saw a glimpse of Frostbite's tail and a slab with food on it.

     Melody jolted awake. She whirled her head around.

     "What's going on?" She rubbed her head. There was no answer, she only saw Frostbite's eyes glowing back at her.

     He hauled her up, forcing her to follow him. She didn't fight back, its not like she could, her shoulder still writhed with pain. They wandered outside into the snow, a chilled breeze past her face. It was nighttime. They parted from the camp, wandering back into the forest. She felt like she remembered this place. They reached a cave, a familiar cave.

     "Flurry," she heard Frostbite say. "I'm sorry it's late."

     "Is there something wrong?" She called from a back room.

     "It's Melody." Frostbite said, leading her to a nest.

     "I thought she was the prisoner," Flurry said curiously.

     "I'm only doing my job," Frostbite retorted. "The Queen only wants her alive long enough to see who her parents are."

     "Mhm," Flurry said stroking her chin, she grabbed some items off of a shelf and hovered over Melody. "If you say so."

     Flurry delicately took Melody in her talons, foing the best she could on her shoulders. A large gash traveled from her lower neck across her right shoulder, her wing joint was awkwardly bent.

     "So how well is she?" Frostbite asked.

     "She isn't well, has she eaten?" Flurry answered.

     "She ate today," Frostbite said, holding Melody firm as Flurry wrapped a sling around Melody, tying her right wing to prevent her from using it.

     "Well if you want her alive I recommend you give her more food and water," Flurry said annoyed.

     Melody heard Frostbite go over to the door and stare outside. It was silent in the cave.

     "I wish this war was over," Frostbite frowned.

     "We just have to wait for it to run it's course," she heard Flurry say. "Because all we can do is wait."

     "It's been 20 years Flurry," Frostbite said. "20 Years." Frostbite shut his eyes.

     "I'm sorry, it's long," Flurry said in a hushed way.

     "20 Years too long," Melody heard Frostbite lean against the wall.

     "I miss them too Frosty," Flurry said, gently setting Melody in another nest.

     "Sometimes I just wonder why any of this happened in the first place. Why now. Why them? Why not anyone else." His voice quivered.

     "I know, I know." Melody lifted her eyelid to see Flurry hugging Frostbite.

      "I miss my brother too." Flurry said shutting her eyes.

     Melody couldn't help but feel terrible. She knew that Ice Dragons were bad and all, but she knew not all of them were.

     Not all Ice Dragons were bad.

     Evil comes from a midpoint, and if you want to get rid of it you must find the source.

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