イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


idk if this is important, probs not

I've been kind of self-conscious about my art lately.
That said, I'm probably not going to post much this week.
And I know what you're going to say, "No, Birdie your art is uber good."
That won't help the situation, so please refrain from making those comments.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed or anything.
It happens all the time to me.
I'll try to get in the rest of the Q&A, but I doubt I will.
I've just got to let this pass. I'll still be active, though.
I'm posting this just to let you know, if you were wondering why I haven't really been posting much, and why the Q&A is slightly delayed.
(Most of you probably don't give a fuck, but I did this anyway)

thanks 4 reading i <3 all of u

And don't forgEt wHat AlL mIgHt SaID, "gO BeYond, PlUs uLtRa!"

(sorry, I'm a bnha noob
if u dont know already)






I’m confused.

Everyone is fine with every sexuality, right?
And nobody hardly ever gets harassed about it anymore, right?
And there are so many groups that welcome and accept everyone, right?
Without making this sound offensive...
If we’re already taking the steps towards accepting one another, why are we bothering with a “pride month”? Honestly I didn’t even know it existed.
Isn’t this “Father’s Day Month”? I mean, I suppose it could in that case be “both fathers’ day”, but still. We’re okay with everybody, is there really a need to have a whole month dedicated to it? I mean, can’t we just, you know, say “I’m straight” or “I’m a lesbian” or “I’m into whatever gender shows interest” or “I like stuff that the opposite gender has” (I’m guessing that’s a form of Queer) and let that be it? It’s not like anyone is going to throw a bible at you and scream “LUCIFER’S DISCIPLE!!! KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!!”
I mean, look at this day and age! We’ve got room for everyone for everything, from gay twinks to lesbian shipping to pansexual encouragement to (this one is a personal blessing for me) fat fetishism/feederism awareness and positivity.
So then...
Why do we need this “pride month”? Isn’t basically every day a prideful day where you can say who you are?




One time deal for today...

Ever wish you could directly tell me how you feel about me? Now you can! This post is my one time offer for all to freely anonymously comment exactly how they feel about me. Positive, negative, neutral,
Horny flirts...
You get the idea. All right here, offer stands!
Why am I doing this? A while ago on my old profile I was a messed up weirdo, and anons let me know I was. So I just want to see how much that has changed or if it hasn’t or whatevs but I am willing to accept whatever anybody has to say.
So then, what are you waiting for? I’m listening all ears!




I wasted it.

I should have done something.
The awards ceremony was last night.
Here were all these kids getting thousands of dollars in scholarships.
I got three hundred and fifteen.
I can get one book.
I’ve been trying. It’s not like I’ve been 100% apathetic. But nonetheless it wasn’t enough.
It’s over now. It’s too late.
Me and my parents had another fight because of it, too. But in my opinion you can push people gently and get results rather than roughly and make them annoyed.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m going to go in and ask about things that I’m certain I should have received, but will it be enough?
I’ve fought suicide so hard. It’s easy to decide on lethal injection right after high school. But I’ve fought it.
Honestly, I don’t know why.
Why did I have to be me? Couldn’t I be somebody else? Some rich kid that had his whole life ahead of him? Why do I have to be me? I have just proven I can’t be a responsible adult. So I don’t know what to do anymore.



I wasted it.

I should have done something.
The awards ceremony was last night.
Here were all these kids getting thousands of dollars in scholarships.
I got three hundred and fifteen.
I can get one book.
I’ve been trying. It’s not like I’ve been 100% apathetic. But nonetheless it wasn’t enough.
It’s over now. It’s too late.
Me and my parents had another fight because of it, too. But in my opinion you can push people gently and get results rather than roughly and make them annoyed.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m going to go in and ask about things that I’m certain I should have received, but will it be enough?
I’ve fought suicide so hard. It’s easy to decide on lethal injection right after high school. But I’ve fought it.
Honestly, I don’t know why.
Why did I have to be me? Couldn’t I be somebody else? Some rich kid that had his whole life ahead of him? Why do I have to be me? I have just proven I can’t be a responsible adult. So I don’t know what to do anymore.



I wasted it.

I should have done something.
The awards ceremony was last night.
Here were all these kids getting thousands of dollars in scholarships.
I got three hundred and fifteen.
I can get one book.
I’ve been trying. It’s not like I’ve been 100% apathetic. But nonetheless it wasn’t enough.
It’s over now. It’s too late.
Me and my parents had another fight because of it, too. But in my opinion you can push people gently and get results rather than roughly and make them annoyed.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m going to go in and ask about things that I’m certain I should have received, but will it be enough?
I’ve fought suicide so hard. It’s easy to decide on lethal injection right after high school. But I’ve fought it.
Honestly, I don’t know why.
Why did I have to be me? Couldn’t I be somebody else? Some rich kid that had his whole life ahead of him? Why do I have to be me? I have just proven I can’t be a responsible adult. So I don’t know what to do anymore.



I wasted it.

I should have done something.
The awards ceremony was last night.
Here were all these kids getting thousands of dollars in scholarships.
I got three hundred and fifteen.
I can get one book.
I’ve been trying. It’s not like I’ve been 100% apathetic. But nonetheless it wasn’t enough.
It’s over now. It’s too late.
Me and my parents had another fight because of it, too. But in my opinion you can push people gently and get results rather than roughly and make them annoyed.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m going to go in and ask about things that I’m certain I should have received, but will it be enough?
I’ve fought suicide so hard. It’s easy to decide on lethal injection right after high school. But I’ve fought it.
Honestly, I don’t know why.
Why did I have to be me? Couldn’t I be somebody else? Some rich kid that had his whole life ahead of him? Why do I have to be me? I have just proven I can’t be a responsible adult. So I don’t know what to do anymore.
