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Fluffy cat
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Fluffy cat
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Cheating on a test
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BB profile
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Summer dress body profile
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waiting girl
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Missing spring
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Got dreams
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2022年10月15日(土)から深夜2時よりABC テレビ・テレビ朝日系列全国 24 局ネット ANiMAZiNG!!!枠にて放送しているTVアニメ『4人はそれぞれウソをつく』のファンアートコンテストを開催します!!
URL :https://medibang.com/contest/4uso-contest/
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The dream life I've been daydreaming about since I was 15. A short summary.
I live in japan, married to a japanese man, three children, I have a part time job as a english teacher and in my free time I paint and draw digitally.
this is the short summary. I don't know If I will be able to realise this dream any time soon, but I'm working on it.
just like she did (ebunnybee) When I say I want to go live in japan and tell my black friends that I like this style of clothes and japanese culture, the response is always the same. laughters to no end. that's why I stopped telling anyone about my dream. what's the use? for them all blck girls have to act and dress though and sexy 24/7 because that's how things are apparently. so, I just gave up on them and quitely working to achieve my dream.
I mean if someone keeps telling you that he/she wants to be an actor/actress for 10 years, can you still look into their eyes and laugh at them? my friend's dad failed 7 times for the law exam to become a lawyer before finally making it, does that make him a loser? for following his dream for 7 years?
I know money plays a big part in these situations, but it also plays a big part whether the people around you believe in you or not, so don't come at me with that BS about the money. It took years and years for emilia to get where she is despite having lots of moeny and her parents being in the entertaiment field. So I would say in the end that Luck, money and trust, all three helps a person in life.
what is your dream life?
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I have recently uploaded some of my speed paint and sketches on my youtube channel *Dreaming Japan* You can find the link below
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/t7tmf_UghIk" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hope you like them
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sometimes I prefer anime because it gives voice and presence to the manga, but other times, the anime is just too different from the manga, with the addition of unneccesary fillers *cough* Boruto *cough* that I can't bring myself to like it.
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sometimes I prefer anime because it gives voice and presence to the manga, but other times, the anime is just too different from the manga, with the addition of unneccesary fillers *cough* Boruto *cough* that I can't bring myself to like it.
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looking at the starts
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