イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


🎼 song WIP 🎶

A little differences in people never hurt the Earth
And I should know cuz I’ve been different from the day of birth
Those other teenage boys that strut their stuff and act like they’re so freakin cool
That ain’t me bitch I’m too embarrassed to flaunt myself in school
But that’s not to say I can’t tell you who I know I am
It’s more important to be yourself than a “super cool” man
I ain’t one to brag
But in my own way I’m fab
I might not be exhibit A but for sure I’m not a drag
I don’t have to be the guy
Who shows up on the magazine
Screw him and his plastic muscles
It’s so much better being me
I’m not the guy who plays the gals and throws their poor hearts in the mud
I’m the one who makes more friends because I know I don’t have to be the stud
It’s better to be the good person than it is to be the cool person
Just be the good person
The good person
(At this point a girl would sing.) Is it so wrong I think of others rather than myself?
I didn’t think so,
Women’s World can go rot in hell
I ain’t gonna change my body or my way of thinking
No matter what the “style” is so shut up don’t be kinky
I don’t care what the world says I should be doing
I can be whoever I wanna be
And I choose to be me
I ain’t one to brag
But in my own way I’m fab
I might not be exhibit A but for sure I’m not a drag
I don’t have to be the girl
Who shows up on the magazine
Screw her and her plastic booty
It’s so much better being me
I’m not the gal who plays the guys and throws their poor hearts broken in two
I’m the one who makes more friends because I know I don’t have to be the prostitute
(Then this next part they sing together but I don’t know what yet. So far it’s a diss on society’s standards.)



So hear me out :D

Me and my friend planned out this amazing idea that will happen in the future :3
The idea is to have team art collab battle with numerous artists around the world, so an Artist Battle Royal. The groups will be separated into different teams/houses, and there will be three themes to participate in, well depends on how many people are joining. Communication will be relied on discord etc. No matter who wins or losers, everyone will join together a create an A1 collab drawing to celebrate and have fun :3
So its like a normal art battle, such as create an art to attack an opposing opponent and defend etc. I've decided to add in where team mates can join together to create a single collab drawing whether its for attack or defence. I want this to be a fun and healthy competition. Also a way to promote and help those who are underrated or those who simply started art.
Team mates can provide art tips but, you are limited because this is their art fight XD
This is still in working development and a simple plan for the future, i want this to help everyone and simply have fun in art *w*

feel free to give out ideas as well :D i would love to hear them :3




🎼 song I’m writing WIP 🎶

Please mother please don’t make me take my leave
Just wait and see
What I can be
I know I’m not who you’re hoping for
But please don’t kick me out your door
A human word
Meaning love in a human herd
Mother father daughters sons
But do children only exist because of “having fun”?
We may not agree on certain things
You’ll be you and I’ll be me
But can’t we still at least be friends
And love each other to the end?
Every night I lie in bed
Thinking what I’ll say to you
On that fateful day I dread
When I need to tell the truth
So I bet you
Please mother please don’t make me take my leave
Just wait and see
What I can be
I know I’m not who you’re hoping for
But please don’t kick me out your door
(I’ll finish it later.)




am big sad
school sUC K E D
i am a dumb bitch so i got lost like 7255537 times h
I didn’t even know where the hecn cafeteria was i-
and I didn’t wanna look for it so I sat outside by myself on the floor in this b eaUtifu l 95 degree Florida weather for lunch.
and I was like 20 minutes late to my reading class bc I couldn’t find it (duh) and he was the only teacher that was like yALL I STG IF UR L A T E
and tomorrow I have entirely different classes
3/4 of the most likely being with 10th+ graders
wish me lu ck
i might post a wb later h



Ack I’m back

Sorry for disappearing a few days, I left for four days and came back to 40 notifs. I am very heartbroken that some people have left, but I am glad it’s for their mental health. Still, it does make me a bit sad.
So I’ve been through some things, kinda bittersweet things to be specific.
Church: Homophobia abounds my dudes. I’m scared as heck because I honestly really think I’m homoromantic (or demiromantic, not sure yet) and I think it’s becoming obvious at this point. I honestly think they suspect me of being a homosexual (I think I may be asexual, but I’m too young to figure it out quite yet). We went out to dinner with the pastors of two churches ago (I was four when we left) and most of their conversation was homophobic, and it made me really uncomfortable and disgusting. Oh, to quote my dad, who didn’t suspect I was... how I am. “You don’t really love that person, you hate them. Love is a verb. If you loved them you would leave them alone and direct them towards God and have a normal relationship.”
With Grace: we had a small, tense conversation that was pretty much the closest thing we have ever had to a fight. It was mostly my fault, I was upset about her mom and taking it out on her. I tried to make up the next day and her mom apparently had grounded her for something again. We probably won’t be able to talk for weeks-months, depending on how strict her mom is this time.
With writing: I’ve been making lots of improvement and these last few days have been focused mainly on my characters. I’ve combined several, so now instead of “twelve heirs of disaster” there’s only five. My book- well, now it’s going to be a series for sake of the flow- is really coming along. I’m proud of it. I will make a MySpace soon with all the progress I’ve made.



Ack I’m back

Sorry for disappearing a few days, I left for four days and came back to 40 notifs. I am very heartbroken that some people have left, but I am glad it’s for their mental health. Still, it does make me a bit sad.
So I’ve been through some things, kinda bittersweet things to be specific.
Church: Homophobia abounds my dudes. I’m scared as heck because I honestly really think I’m homoromantic (or demiromantic, not sure yet) and I think it’s becoming obvious at this point. I honestly think they suspect me of being a homosexual (I think I may be asexual, but I’m too young to figure it out quite yet). We went out to dinner with the pastors of two churches ago (I was four when we left) and most of their conversation was homophobic, and it made me really uncomfortable and disgusting. Oh, to quote my dad, who didn’t suspect I was... how I am. “You don’t really love that person, you hate them. Love is a verb. If you loved them you would leave them alone and direct them towards God and have a normal relationship.”
With Grace: we had a small, tense conversation that was pretty much the closest thing we have ever had to a fight. It was mostly my fault, I was upset about her mom and taking it out on her. I tried to make up the next day and her mom apparently had grounded her for something again. We probably won’t be able to talk for weeks-months, depending on how strict her mom is this time.
With writing: I’ve been making lots of improvement and these last few days have been focused mainly on my characters. I’ve combined several, so now instead of “twelve heirs of disaster” there’s only five. My book- well, now it’s going to be a series for sake of the flow- is really coming along. I’m proud of it. I will make a MySpace soon with all the progress I’ve made.
