Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Ok ok ok
I know that colleges have you take sexual assault prevention quizzes for safety and all.
I just can’t stand it sometimes and it’s shoved in my face and then I feel bad about being a guy again and then I start crying and there’s this whole thing.
Sorry; I just needed to not die and burst out for a minute...

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RightsNighty left a comment!


I feel like I haven’t been active here lately I mean I make my spaces all the time but am not active in the community anymore
Hopefully I can be more active soon
Please, tell me, how are all of you? I’ve just caught up on notifs from the last two days and I’m a bit worried for some people I hope you all are doing alright?
I’m still heartbroken because my dear girl’s mom is causing even more trouble and I didn’t have the will/strength to leave Grace but her mom grounded her again for talking to me (at least that’s my theory)
Also the homeschoolers celebrated the normal “first day of school” yesterday by raiding the swimming pool during public school hours. It’s our annual pool raid, and it’s nice because my family plus one family of friends were the first people there so we had this whole place to ourselves 😂 And the lifeguards let us get away with a lot more which is kinda unsafe but still

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I feel like I haven’t been active here lately I mean I make my spaces all the time but am not active in the community anymore
Hopefully I can be more active soon
Please, tell me, how are all of you? I’ve just caught up on notifs from the last two days and I’m a bit worried for some people I hope you all are doing alright?
I’m still heartbroken because my dear girl’s mom is causing even more trouble and I didn’t have the will/strength to leave Grace but her mom grounded her again for talking to me (at least that’s my theory)
Also the homeschoolers celebrated the normal “first day of school” yesterday by raiding the swimming pool during public school hours. It’s our annual pool raid, and it’s nice because my family plus one family of friends were the first people there so we had this whole place to ourselves 😂 And the lifeguards let us get away with a lot more which is kinda unsafe but still

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big sad >:-(

hey yall
I just had my orientation for school which is starting next week
I got into an art school so wahoo
but yknow barely anyone I know is goin there
and like the people that are, are doin theatre, technical theatre, or music, and I’m doin visual arts.
You may b like hey u can see them in ur core classes
hahahahA n o
I took biology and geometry last year so I’m doing AP chemistry and Algebra 2 which is most likely going to be an all 10th grade class but m e ;~;
and h
I took gym class online so now I’m taking AP world history,
freshman’s don’t have any history classes, in fact you don’t take any history classes until your senior year
so hey
that’s f u n
my 5”0 ass walkin into my class full of seniors n stuff >:1
thAnkS m O m
idk fam i think I’m just really scared

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RightsNighty left a comment!

And so I find myself

Crying because of how heartbroken I am at the failure of our (Grace and I’s) last attempt to keeping up our relationship
Over three scoops of straberry ice cream
Whcih i our strawberries in
And while sipping strawberry Fanta
Because when I get really upset this is what a become 🙃

So pretty much she’s scared of her mom and was trying all week to butter her up to letting me over, working hard at school and on 4H, and she waited until the night before, right after her mom got in a fight with her dad. Chaos ensues and Grace gets anger taking out on her. I hate her mom with all my being.
Am I too cold? What if stepping away isn’t the right choice? She does want me to stay, and I want to stay, but I’m getting more and more hurt with every one of her mom’s crap...

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Also ( a wee debate of mine with a kid)

Kid (and one I desperately want to educate) at church: Ky why when you draw men do they look like rly feminine and when you draw men they look really masculine? You support transgenders! *points finger at me*
Me: ok first of all, that’s my style, and not even my choice. Second, I get neutrality is a myth (a phrase Calvinist kids know quite well lol) but i am close to such a myth with transgenders.
Kid: well- OK THEN! Clearly you’re for gays
Me: Suck it up kid. Truth is gays and lesbians tend to have happier marriages then most “normal” couples, and divorce is just as much a sin in your worldview but I don’t see that being protested now do I?
Me: oh and also there are only two mentions of homosexuality in the Bible, one of them being at the city of Sodom where for all we know it could have just been the fact they wanted to screw the angels, plus Lot offered his women to be raped which is just as much a horrid thing to you correct? Second-
Kid: No Kyyyy rape isn’t a sin and even if it is it’s better than homosexuality
Me: completely stunned at the fact this stupid kid just played the card. Which card is that? The card he doesn’t get in trouble ever because he’s the pastor’s nephew.

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RightsNighty left a comment!

Also ( a wee debate of mine with a kid)

Kid (and one I desperately want to educate) at church: Ky why when you draw men do they look like rly feminine and when you draw men they look really masculine? You support transgenders! *points finger at me*
Me: ok first of all, that’s my style, and not even my choice. Second, I get neutrality is a myth (a phrase Calvinist kids know quite well lol) but i am close to such a myth with transgenders.
Kid: well- OK THEN! Clearly you’re for gays
Me: Suck it up kid. Truth is gays and lesbians tend to have happier marriages then most “normal” couples, and divorce is just as much a sin in your worldview but I don’t see that being protested now do I?
Me: oh and also there are only two mentions of homosexuality in the Bible, one of them being at the city of Sodom where for all we know it could have just been the fact they wanted to screw the angels, plus Lot offered his women to be raped which is just as much a horrid thing to you correct? Second-
Kid: No Kyyyy rape isn’t a sin and even if it is it’s better than homosexuality
Me: completely stunned at the fact this stupid kid just played the card. Which card is that? The card he doesn’t get in trouble ever because he’s the pastor’s nephew.

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RightsNighty left a comment!

Also ( a wee debate of mine with a kid)

Kid (and one I desperately want to educate) at church: Ky why when you draw men do they look like rly feminine and when you draw men they look really masculine? You support transgenders! *points finger at me*
Me: ok first of all, that’s my style, and not even my choice. Second, I get neutrality is a myth (a phrase Calvinist kids know quite well lol) but i am close to such a myth with transgenders.
Kid: well- OK THEN! Clearly you’re for gays
Me: Suck it up kid. Truth is gays and lesbians tend to have happier marriages then most “normal” couples, and divorce is just as much a sin in your worldview but I don’t see that being protested now do I?
Me: oh and also there are only two mentions of homosexuality in the Bible, one of them being at the city of Sodom where for all we know it could have just been the fact they wanted to screw the angels, plus Lot offered his women to be raped which is just as much a horrid thing to you correct? Second-
Kid: No Kyyyy rape isn’t a sin and even if it is it’s better than homosexuality
Me: completely stunned at the fact this stupid kid just played the card. Which card is that? The card he doesn’t get in trouble ever because he’s the pastor’s nephew.

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