イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

>:^ 0

ew i hate highsch oo l
I just finished week 1 >:1
in my old school I was considered like not that short I’m 5’0 :p and like this school
everyone is so
t all wtf
I feel like an elementary schooler h
also to make it woRse I have advanced courses for a 9th grader and like in Algebra 2, there’s like 3 other 9th graders and a bunch of sophomores and juniors
in my chemistry there uh 4 or smth freshman and like 25 sophmores, and in my ap history there’s like 2 other freshman and 40 other sophmores >:1
I’m gettin used to it
sittin outside alone on the floor at lunch ain’t that bad anyways :p
also teen beach movie is bae 😩😩🥑👏😔✨✨✨✨


  • aaAahh bb don be upsettie, look at a doggie (,, or a cattie qhsh )

  • ur so cute ily ❤️❤️ and im sure school will get better ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • The pictures just scream REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • Gosh I just realized that my glasses are very similar to yours Thats kewl And I would definitely join you if I was at your school. Sadly, I'm not. :(


am big sad
school sUC K E D
i am a dumb bitch so i got lost like 7255537 times h
I didn’t even know where the hecn cafeteria was i-
and I didn’t wanna look for it so I sat outside by myself on the floor in this b eaUtifu l 95 degree Florida weather for lunch.
and I was like 20 minutes late to my reading class bc I couldn’t find it (duh) and he was the only teacher that was like yALL I STG IF UR L A T E
and tomorrow I have entirely different classes
3/4 of the most likely being with 10th+ graders
wish me lu ck
i might post a wb later h


  • ur so cute but awhfhd heck i'm sure it will get better as you get used to everything, and teachers shouldnt b like that bc hOW ARE U SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS

  • aw don't worry,,maybe you can ask a teacher where everything is ?

  • I’m sorry school sucked

  • So sorry it didn’t go so well, but it will be better tomorrow I promise

big stink >:^(

hey guys uwu
so like uh
i won’t be on too much
school starts in like 2 days, and I’m not allowed to use my phone after school 😔 so, my activity rate will drAStically drop >:1 i love u guys i hope your doin a ok


  • I sent you a friend request by the way, I hope we can talk there (I know you may or may not be able to talk there either but still)

  • Njuuuuu not you too Ack Please take care of yourself

  • Aw alrighty then

  • Awwwe, you're the only reason I ever come back anymore :,0 I'll miss ur art

cries in crusty human garbage noises

:0 it’s 4aM
ya y
dang I gotta “wake up” in 2 hours
sorry I’m spamming the myspace
I kinda need to vent but yknow it’s 4am and non of my irl friends are woke
idk I feel kinda a mix of insecure, paranoid, stressed, and a dumb useless shit.
-.../../- -./
also I’m posting this here bc medis gonna b like
that’s illegal >:^0
also uh that art isn’t me venting its ok ;w; I’m just listenin to music n stuff n drawin to it
have a valid day beautiful person <3


  • yOur mental health is crucial ANd vv necessaRy s o fucking take care of it properly or else 💞💞💞👌

  • ://///

  • > CeeScoop it’s alright fam, my mental health isn’t the greatest but nothing to be too worried about

  • > ☆~ԃɾαɠσɳ’ʂ ρυɾɾ~☆ aaa thank youu I think I just need to slee b

big sad >:-(

hey yall
I just had my orientation for school which is starting next week
I got into an art school so wahoo
but yknow barely anyone I know is goin there
and like the people that are, are doin theatre, technical theatre, or music, and I’m doin visual arts.
You may b like hey u can see them in ur core classes
hahahahA n o
I took biology and geometry last year so I’m doing AP chemistry and Algebra 2 which is most likely going to be an all 10th grade class but m e ;~;
and h
I took gym class online so now I’m taking AP world history,
freshman’s don’t have any history classes, in fact you don’t take any history classes until your senior year
so hey
that’s f u n
my 5”0 ass walkin into my class full of seniors n stuff >:1
thAnkS m O m
idk fam i think I’m just really scared


  • Hey I know you’ll do fine! I’ll be praying for you to make some friends which I’m sure you’ll do heh

  • I belieeeeve !!! In u !!!

  • good job on getting in!

  • Hey I believe in you! You're gonna make new friends cuz of you're great personality and you can get through highschool >;D

sorry for spam and existin g

I’m really upset
my friend who I’ve known for like 5 years has been talking behind my back to my other friends about how much she hates me. My other friends have been telling me so that’s good but she doesn’t want to talk to me she blocked me every time they go on walks and they pass by my house she either makes up some fake excuse as to why I can’t walk or she says I’m not her friend and and she doesn’t want to walk with me
she thinks I don’t care about her even though I do but I can’t tell her that she’s not gonna listen to me
idunno please help ig
no, please don’t say anything like oh you should just end it she doesn’t deserve you or something because all of this is my fault and I don’t know how to fix it and I still want to be her friend


  • > John Laurens thank youu <33

  • I hope it goes well

  • > John Laurens ngg yea im alright, im gonna try and walk by her house and talk it out ;w;

  • I hope ur ok Quiniby


idk stuff I want to share with you guys
my cousin got a bnha game and my sister got all might and he got upset and he ended up getting aizawa who he kept referring to as “goth gf material”
my mom recently got a super confidential job near the middle of nowhere having to do with the army and my sister keeps making Area 51 jokes about it
turns out my dad was a big fan of fallout boy, Paramore, mcr, and Gorrilaz so hes rad
i drew fallout boy


  • Your dad likes Gorillaz so I must steal. I'm sorry but he's my dad now

  • Lol sounds great 😂

  • lel

oc dude

hey my dudes
I’ve been debating between a couple hair colors of this guyy and idk
which looks better?
Also,,,,, name suggestions ^w^
(bg info:: he’s questioning, prolly bi, he’s a bounty hunter dude and he uses knife thingies and stuf and he rarely shows any emotion,, he’s prolly uber tall rawr)


  • Idk but I think he’d look good with the first with the second or third tips

  • > ★Auzzie★ oof yeah i mean,, he wears like a cape/hood thingy to cover it,, :p and I think at this point all of my characters are born with neon green or highlited hair I get what your sayin tho ^w^

  • (Btw, if he's a bounty hunter, I would go for a more natural hair colour because idk if a bounty hunter would actually have time to dye it, he wouldn't want to stand out too much, and if you want him to be a serious person the dyed hair might get in the way of that if you know what I mean. So, I'm leaning more towards the 3rd option. If you don't agree, you can go ahead and ignore this, it really doesn't matter-)

  • First or third Idk Bennett, Archer, Augstine, Bryce?

Thankuuu <3333

hey guys I can’t thank you enough for being so supportive n stuff and dealin with me aaa
I love all of you guys and you guys deserve the wOR L D
I’ve calmed down for now, so here’s a whiteboard <3


  • > ★Auzzie★ >: 0 gosh darned it u smartie

  • If ur reading this ur a cutie (Maybe you said no "no u" or uno reverse cards, but you never said I couldn't say it right back at ya. Haha I beat the system- I feel so accomplished-)

  • > Cattacomb aaa rad!! >:33

  • hey heyy im joining :D

pls help im dyiN g

hi! So it’s currently almost 2:30 am and I wanna die,, I have just had, yet anOther panic attack and I don’t know I can’t take it anymore
it’s been a combination of things lately like, I’ve been feeling really self conscious lately, and I’ve realized how utterly uncomfortable I am in my body,, and I’m just ugly, and intolerable and rebarbative and I always feel like everyone hates me,, like you know when you make a joke and you start laughing really hard but nobody else gets it and it’s kinda embarrassing-? Well, I’m kinda feelin that but worse, and all the time. I dunno I feel like I’m taking a multiple choice quiz but all the answers are wrong
like it doesn’t matter which one you choose it’s always gonna be wrong and no matter what path you take in the end your gonna fail
I just feel like everyone acts like I’m a nice person and that I’m their friend but they’re not and they talk about me behind my back and they hate my guts and I annoy them to bits and they’re just friends with me because they feel bad that everyone else feels the same
And ack I’ve been having a severe sense of thanataophohbia which is fear of death (including like death of other people, and loss of objects close to you) and my head gets numb every time I think about it,,
when I was a kid like 4-6 years old I lost a bunch of stuff, my rabbit died, both of my birds died, my parents gave my dog away, my brothers died, and I didn’t really understand it, like oh uh oh well they’re dead what can you do, but it’s like I threw a boomerang and it’s just hitting me right back in the feels today, that reality that everything around you will die eventually and you cant do anything to stop it, you just have to hold on to them while you can. Sorry for taking up space,, I just needed to get this off my chest,,


  • Oh no D:> im so sorry to hear that! :(((

  • I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish I could help. I’m praying for you 😭

  • I've actually felt this the other night, so, I can relate kinda.. now I'm not good with words or anything but, I hope your okay - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eSH7QSzkhQg

  • Heya, it's okay to get the emotions out. I mean, it's better than keepin em in! I may not know you very well, but i can tell that all those bad things aren't true. You're really nice, a very talented artist, and a caring friend to others. And hey, if others talk about you behind your back, it just means they're jealous of you 😉 I hope you can feel better soon.


so I got a shiT ton of stuff for my birthday and idk I decided to show u guys some of it bc I lo v e it sm aa
sorry if I’m uh,, bein annoying
no, I usually do not get this much stufff
I think it was to make up that uh the majority of my family forgot about my birthday last yearr so I got like a cookbook and a toothbrush :p


  • thats coolll

  • i want-

  • > Quiniby uwu nO- they're your gifts! *yeets em back* (WhoA- I do not deserve the world- )

  • my mom’s the only one who will buy me shirts i like the rest of my family try to buy me blouses & dressy clothes lmao