插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

随性 Depends since I am doing this in secret

Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!


Im a little happier today (night for me)
I just wanna talk..... a small catch up since ive been gone for like forever.
Should i update my meet the artist? Since y'know, ive changed lots since then. Like, im not 18 anymore and my measurements have changed..
My eyes are sore lol.
I just wanna talk to ppl, im lonely and my roomates are sleeping.
Im not home atm. Im in a dormy apartment kinda house thingy because of university x.x
I thought highschool was hectic, but i am enjoying myself and i have a doctors apointment in a few days.
Name a thing you done for the first time?
i was put on an iv drip, never done that before, its honestly frightening.
I had soju (not right now a few months ago)
And..... well i never drove a motorcycle or driven a car.
What type of cars do you like?
Ill go to sleep soon i promise


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

I wasted it.

I should have done something.
The awards ceremony was last night.
Here were all these kids getting thousands of dollars in scholarships.
I got three hundred and fifteen.
I can get one book.
I’ve been trying. It’s not like I’ve been 100% apathetic. But nonetheless it wasn’t enough.
It’s over now. It’s too late.
Me and my parents had another fight because of it, too. But in my opinion you can push people gently and get results rather than roughly and make them annoyed.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m going to go in and ask about things that I’m certain I should have received, but will it be enough?
I’ve fought suicide so hard. It’s easy to decide on lethal injection right after high school. But I’ve fought it.
Honestly, I don’t know why.
Why did I have to be me? Couldn’t I be somebody else? Some rich kid that had his whole life ahead of him? Why do I have to be me? I have just proven I can’t be a responsible adult. So I don’t know what to do anymore.


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

I wasted it.

I should have done something.
The awards ceremony was last night.
Here were all these kids getting thousands of dollars in scholarships.
I got three hundred and fifteen.
I can get one book.
I’ve been trying. It’s not like I’ve been 100% apathetic. But nonetheless it wasn’t enough.
It’s over now. It’s too late.
Me and my parents had another fight because of it, too. But in my opinion you can push people gently and get results rather than roughly and make them annoyed.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m going to go in and ask about things that I’m certain I should have received, but will it be enough?
I’ve fought suicide so hard. It’s easy to decide on lethal injection right after high school. But I’ve fought it.
Honestly, I don’t know why.
Why did I have to be me? Couldn’t I be somebody else? Some rich kid that had his whole life ahead of him? Why do I have to be me? I have just proven I can’t be a responsible adult. So I don’t know what to do anymore.


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

My shithead sister (rant)

#ihatesiblings #mysisterismad
Lemme tell you a story, bc i dont have better things to do, its like 4 something in the morning last i got up and checked i should be asleep but im actually sitting on the ground in my bedoom with my creepy long legs staring back at me because i just got sleep paralysis a few hours ago and im frightened to sleep now, probably shouldnt have slept on my back but the otherday we were swiming at the beach and i belly flopped into the water and my sides hurt (and i thought i was doing amazing with my sp, i didnt get it for a while but its started to creep back like a spider)
One beautiful may night i was sleeping peacefully, i was having another dumb dream that i was talking to a lucky black cat when suddenly 3 butterflys flew into my mouth. All of a sudden i felt a big SLAP sensation on my cheek, i shot up and seen a bitch also known as my sister with her dumb hand on my face. Iask her what the hell is going on and she starts to rant about how her boyfriend broke up w/her. She then proceeded to BLAME me about it. Its not my fault your bf called it quits, i asked her how is it my fault? She said that i probably scared him away with my wierdness, she then ran away sobbing. I honestly dont know how we're sisters, she dyes her hair light brown? She is naturaly super black haired like me, but in our family pictures her head stands out so much.
1. I know im wierd, but im akward in a good way excuse me eonni 😋
2. Don't slap me, my face gets red very eassily i dont want eomma to think i got into a fignt with someone.


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!


I just wanna talk to someone :)
I am no longer a highschool student, and in my next birthday im going to be 20!! 😱 (19 in western years), 19 is adult in korea, and i am 19 right now! Im no longer a teenager but due to not being on here for a while i dont know if i told anybody or not or if i posted on my birthday the 13th october (i think i did... yeah i did i posted about my first time drinking). I graduated while i wasnt on medibang and ife has been hectic, the big transition from highschool to university.
How is everyone? Are you guys well? ^_^


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

Hai y'all!

It's been a very very veryyyyyyy long time since I've last been on here! I hope everyone is doing well, taking their depresso espressos every morning UwU)b
Just wanted to say I luv y'all very much and hope ur making good times on here -w-
-Been experimenting with a style, not rlly stuck on a certain one yet tho I have an "original" style for now if u may call it
-I have no more energy to run anymore hhhh
-I'm probs gonna keep going on and off here cause I'm trying to stay away from too much drama
-My head hurts I need water :T
-I'll be posting a few things this weekend so if u want to y'all can keep an eye out UwU)b
Andddddd that's it I guess, luv y'all hope y'all are having a great day!


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

Omegosh I'm finally on a 5 months break

Im sorry for my hiatus guys, I missed you lots ;v;
Medical college year is finally over! I hope I nailed those finals, but anyway the most important point here is that I'm on vacations! :D
I went back to drawing on my graphic tablet, it was kinda destabilizing but I'm somewhat used to it now.
So I'm now trying to improve on coloring, background elements and ecchi do as to get out of my comfort zone.
I'll also try to aim for finishing all those drafts I have in my gallery cuz it's getting out of hand here xD
Well to celebrate my summer break's start, I decided to redraw an old drawing of mine! I don't have the original piece with me atm but once I find it I'll post it here :)
Here is a sneak peek, hope you'll like it !
Here is another sneak peek of an mild ecchi piece of Mikasa I'm working on, what do you think?
(Also YES Eggdog is my new spirit animal)


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

Who’s in the mood...

To march up to Women’s World magazine headquarters and protest their business?
And just fashion magazines in general?
I wanna put a stop to the vile sin I have to witness in the checkout aisle at the grocery store
They’re basically fat shamers and bigots
What would you call bias against really thick girls? Thiccism? Would you say “don’t be fatsist”?
I’m gonna start a revolution and take the first step towards fat chicks ruling the universe.
Who wants to join me? I have ideas for T-shirts and logos and everything.


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!

Who’s in the mood...

To march up to Women’s World magazine headquarters and protest their business?
And just fashion magazines in general?
I wanna put a stop to the vile sin I have to witness in the checkout aisle at the grocery store
They’re basically fat shamers and bigots
What would you call bias against really thick girls? Thiccism? Would you say “don’t be fatsist”?
I’m gonna start a revolution and take the first step towards fat chicks ruling the universe.
Who wants to join me? I have ideas for T-shirts and logos and everything.


Jeff2kgamer ^_^留言了!


よろしくお願いいたします( *・ω・)*_ _))


黑猫さん( https://medibang.com/author/5116361/?utm_source=artstreet&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=officail_topic&utm_term=0513&utm_content=001 )の作品で



"Desire" created by KuroNeko(黑猫)!

They illistrate a beautiful girl within a dream-like atmosphere, surrounded by mysterious colorful lights that reflect on the suface.

To check out more works from 黑猫, click here!👇✨
