Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m free I don’t really do commissions but i do requests so

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Hey frens

( just a heads up i done these both on transparent backgrounds )
The requests are finally fineshed! Im sorry they couldnt get done sooner and you probs hate me for not finishing for ages, im a bit ashamed and embarrased of myself for taking this long 😓 i deeply apologise guys. Its just life is crazy yknow (ill explain in another post)
And medibang wont let me post them fsr but its ok ill put them here :) and post them when medibang allows me to
So what did i miss? Anything crazy or was medibang deserted while i died for a month or so lol
Anyways i hope everybody is well, Have a good day/evening/night
I know their bad im sorry i tried but its just im way more comfortable with realism and cant really wrap my head around cartoon or anime kinda styles but yeah :) i hope their ok and i know the styles are kinda different from each picture like one has pupils and the other doesnt, the hair is different and things. Also im sorry that i dont color in the skin, its just a thing i always do in
Non realism drawings, but you can change that if you want.
Again i apologize for the wait but here ya go :)

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Even if i tried and tried and tried i always had to be the one to be so interesting and special to people because of my art and talents when really i was nothing but a humiliation and filth towards everyone i met and saw. I always thought i was better than everyone else because of how much i was praised but really i was nothing but a narcissistic miserable fool. Im so sorry but...i couldn't help but tear, cut, and shred away all my art and things away...dont ever do this...dont ever tear away the things you worked hard such a humiliation and pain to so sorry...

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Why even

Why do we have families
It’s so stupid
You are trapped in a group of people forever that you never chose
And you’re dictated by two adults that had kids for who knows what reason
Most likely the girl’s like “I WANNA HAVE BABIES OR ELSE WE ARE THROUGH” and the guy says “ugh fine but only because I love you and nothing I want matters anyway” and well... here I am.
It’s not worth it being alive knowing my mom could have had so much more than my dumb loser of a father.
And my youngest brother (not Ethan, the youngest one named Dallin who has terrible teeth and is a lazy hobo) DOES NOT SHUT UP
Ethan is like the only one I really connect with anymore
And I like my mom but I can’t really have a conversation with her most of the time
But right now I’m just UUUGGGHHHHH
can’t I not be with family please
Can’t I just be Jeff with no interruption or being in a dictatorship
Families are stupid and parents are stupid
I’m still sticking by my idea of Siri raising babies.

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After 14 years of living I've been constantly criticized and hurted mentally by my own mother since she has a fucking problem of keeping her damn mouth shut and her opinions to herself. She once said i was disgusting because im lesbian. She hates my style. She thinks she can just do whatever she wants with me. And she constantly hurts my feelings and emotions every single day by yelling at me because of how i look sometimes...yet today she always tries to make a embarrassment out of me and make me look like a dumbass infront of people when really shes the one being the remoteless douchebag. I cant fucking take it anymore..

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Animal Girls Discord banner raffle

Hi guys I'm holding a raffle for the Animal Girls Discord server. I will be making a banner for this group. So what's the raffle for? Well in this raffle you will link me to one or more kemonomimi ocs (Animal person basically) and you'll have a chance of them being draw on the banner. What if I don't have one? Well you can either make one or make a drawing of your self as a kemonomimi ex. Cat, dog, bird, etc. 2 winners will be picked and have their oc drawn on the banner.

Ends: Friday

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Hi guys

I'm back now yay so how's everyone I have cold currently which sucks my head hurts like crazy right now. Missed you guys and to you guys who art so good right now I hope you all get happier soon again and not stay sad forever. Also something existing Monday I got some RWBY mangas I was so happy to get them I'm currently finishing the Weiss manga anthology ahhh there all so good. (I'm exited to read the Blake one yeee). I've been in a good mood mostly besides being not so happy because I don't feel well. I should hopefully be better tomorrow I'll post more art soon too. Btw if your wondering where I went I went to a camp. It was fun but I had to much junk food hehe me and sugar 0w0. (They forced us to go in the deep end of water to play a game) (the water we were in leads to the ocean so I didn't like that and stingrays live in that water so I was a little frecked out by that). That's all I guess.

Have a nice day ~PikaChibiChuGirl

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Im so inactive! I am sorry!
im also saying a big sorry to the people im doing requests for, their almost done but its just not quite done. Like their drawn but i just need to do touchups, to make it look better 😂
I know before a kinda long time ago (if that makes sense?) Id never finish anything, but i dont want to be old ye-seul, I managed to get myself into college so i mean, i can finish! It just college is crazy, really crazy, life has been so busy ever since i went into high school, that was around when i was around early teenage years to when im an adult now, and that'll keep going.
School is so unfair but i have to do it!
Anyways, I'll promise ill try harder! I can get them requests done ASAP

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