Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

kissy kissy moo

dan g so i had this girlfriend(its not real it was sorta just like roleplay for funn??)

and we kissed and hugged and stuff (not totally kiss,like on cheeks and we wouldnt totally kiss on the lips) we lowkey did it to disgust othrs lmaooo it was fun, but is over now sadly were all goin in different schools so "we brok op" oop

i swear im not gay or anythin,, i think

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  • In some cultures people kiss each other on the cheek, even if you're not in the culture like if it was to your mom or dad. People these days... Nasty thoughts

  • Um, it's fine since it wasn't sincere.

  • thAts a liTtLe gaY my doOd

  • eef that's tough

mogho left a comment!

hheheh //story time (??)//

so uh school ended Friday for me and our school let the 8th graders have their last 30 minutes together to do whatever in the cafeteria. Me n my frens n my gf were just sitting at the table and it kept getting awkward between me and cait (gf uwu) bc like we both kept staring at each other and she was like so should we like kiss or- and I would just like awkwardly laugh and be like lmao uhh I’d be ok with it and then we’d just kinda sit there
a lil while later the guidance counselor comes over and is like hey caitlyn ur gonna have to come with me and I’m like hecc u stink >:00 gimme my wifey bac
and the bell rang shortly after for us to go to the bus and as we were walking towards the bus she came runNin bacc like hey and I was like hey :0 and she was like fuck it im gonna kiss u
that is the story of my first kiss the end

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mogho left a comment!


Hey there kiddos its you local toaster here to just bring in some of my life news

Main story of today is...
I graduated today! (oh hecc yes) I was pretty scared/excited but I almost slept during the grad ceremony- BUT my summer offically has started and im 100% bored and its only been a couple of hours 😎👌👌

Other minor/sub stories is that my sister is gonna take me to a pride parade this year! (Im finna excited for that) + The weather over here has been decently crazy seeing as hail just randomly appeared during the day and it was 100% crazier on memorial day (1 or 2 tornados between my state and a neighboring state, hail, and some heavy rain)

Well that's all I have for today kiddos happy pride month and have a good rest of the day/night/whenever your reading this
(This is some art I made today of my children + hail - even though its nothing special I thought I could just throw it in)

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