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Eclipsed Eclipses left a comment!

Vendetta : Prologue

     A small dragonet sat in a comfy couch made of animal hyde and plenty of stuffing. The tan stone walls seemed inviting, even though it was incredibly dry out. A long, thin, see through curtain hung above the two windows from the livingroom. They swayed back and forth with the hot, desert, breeze. From the room there was a long hallway with an arched doorway, leading down to bedrooms.

     The dragon sat, staring outside. She was tackled out of the blue-

     "AHA, GOT YOU, SAHARA," Another dragon cheered. She looked about a year younger than the first dragon.

     "Kalahari, get off," Sahara broke in a fit of giggles, waving her wings around.

     Sahara was a pale tan, with pine wings that faded to a pastey yellow at the wingtips. She had spikes that traveled down her spine, with her tail ending in a spade. She had an odd scale pattern on her forearms though, while the rest remained a tan her arms were a deep brown, changing back to a tan at her paws. Her eyes were a crisp amber, matching her scales perfectly.

     Kalahari was a year younger, she had pale yellow scales with faded brown wings. Her face was bright and rounded, with horns that curved and defined her face. Light yellow eyes brightened her smile, and one look from her could change your entire day.

     The girls turned their heads when they heard clanking noises in the kitchen, far down the hall. Sahara was the first to stand, jossling her sister to the side and scampering over to the square tiled floor. The kitchen was dimmer, but a single circular window covered with a thin curtain allowed some light inside.Their mother stood, holding a pan in her talons. She set it down on a stone counter, startled to see her daughters rush inside.

     "I haven't even started cooking yet," their mother said softly.

     "I wanna see before you make it," Sahara said enthusiastically.

     "Pleeaaase," Kalahari pleaded.

     The mother sighed, then paused, her daughters raised their claws to see her dish, but instead she set it back on the counter. She moved slowly, her eyes darting back and forth.

     "Sahara, I want you to take your sister outside," she ushered, taking them with her wings.

     "What's wrong mommy?" Kalahari asked.

     "Just do it, promise me you'll watch Kalahari, Sahara," their mother urged.

     "What about you?" Sahara asked, grabbing her sister by the arm.

     "I'll be outside soon, I promise. Mommy has to deal with something," she said calmly.

     Sahara nodded, and she scratched her way up to the window, nearly knocking over clay vases and glass bowls. Once she stood on the shelf by the window she climbed outside, their house was mainly underground to keep them cool. She then duck her head inside to reach for her sister.

     That's when it happened.

     A large Rock Dragon came from the hall down the kitchen, running toward their mother in a frenzy. She gasped, then ran to help Kalahari out the window. Before she could even touch her daughter she was slammed against a wall, her head knocking into a wooden shelf. She sat up, disoriented, and shook her wings.

     The Rock Dragon nabbed Kalahari from Sahara's claws, she screamed in terror. It was the most high pitched, terrified scream Sahara had ever heard her sister make. Her mother cried out, extending her claws to grab Kalahari but she was too late. Kalahari laid limp on the floor, Sahara squirmed to see her sister in such an odd position.

     "SAHARA, RUN," Her mother cried, standing again.

     The Rock Dragon took another lunge, and this time Sahara didn't look back. She ran away from the window and darted into the air. A small dragonet of about 6 years, had just witnessed her family being robbed.

     Sahara found a shrub next to a tree, she flew into it, curling her tail around herself. She stayed there, and cried.

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Does it even matter

I might leave. I'm thinking about it but I dunno. Either way I'm taking a break and I dunno if it when I'll come back. I know a bunch of others say they're leaving and then they don't because everyone made them feel welcome even though they already are and have a shit tone of friends who are kissing their feet, but I don't feel welcome. I don't feel like I belong and I just see everyone else is either depressed, complaining about every small little thing that happens or just have everything going well and I don't see where I fit into that. And it's not like anyone but a few people cares. All I'm trying to say is that being here isn't as fun as it used to be. If I do leave, don't try to stop me. That's not gonna do a thing right now.

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